Points to remember:
- Talk to yourself and ask after every move of your opponent- am I getting anything?
- Play slow; if you play fast, the chances of doing mistakes and blunders are more.
- Follow opening principles - it's very, very important.
- Try to develop your knights before bishops.
- Why? Why did your opponent play the last move? Whenever the king in the centre - open the centre.
- Whenever your e file is open, try to castle asap. 90% of the time, two minor pieces are greater than a rook & pawn.
- Pin and win - whenever you get a chance to pin, do a pin.
- Bishops are powerful than knights.
- Dont exchange with undeveloped pieces.
- Whenever you are material up, exchange the pieces.
- Dont play unnecessary pawn moves
- Dont play h3/h6/a3/a6 unnecessarily.
- Knight on the rim is dim.
- .It's always better if pawns support pawns.
- The attack is the best defence -> counter-attack.
- D4 d5 bf4 variation or normal d4 lines. Don't follow d5 with nc6. Try to get c5 so that your queen has an open diagonal (d8-a5)
- Every pawn move creates weakness.
- Don't help your opponent by opening his files for the rooks, especially bxb3(a file), bxg3(h file), bxg6(h file), bxb6(a file)
- Don't trade centre pawns with corner pawns.
- In ending, first, activate your king. Dont move the pawns in front of your king; this will open and weaken your king, and the opponent will have an excellent opportunity to attack.
- Whenever you are ahead in development and attacking, dont exchange the pieces, especially the queen.
- Whenever you have passed pawn in ending, go for advancing it.
- Whenever you get the chance, provoke weakness and take advantage.
- Pawns can restrict knights. Nb3 ->b6, ng3 ->g6, ng6->g3
- It's better to stop passed pawns with knights in the middle game especially.
- Other than developing your pieces, whenever you get a chance to restrict opponent development.
There are two types of positions: Static(tortoise) & dynamic (rabbit)
Timing: lot no time
Improve the pieces play very sharp, attack, sacrifices. Its always better to play a move with multiple ideas than a single idea.