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Basic Chess Opening Principle

Survar K.
10/04/2020 0 0

In this Lesson, I would like to share some general guidelines to follow during the opening phase of a chess game. Beginner level player benefits his understanding of the opening and thereby increase his advantage through to the middlegame. Here are the 5 Basic Chess Opening Principle and a Model Game Link where White employs all the general principle effectively.

1. Rapid Development.

     Rapid Development means quickly bringing the pieces like Knights/Bishops/Rooks/Queen to the game possibly with an attack.

2. Center Control.

     Center is the most important part of the board. Who controls center would generally dictate the game to their favour. Develop the pieces so they control more number of center squares.

3. King Safety.

     Obviously by castling, we bring King to safety. Generally its a good idea to castle and I recommend beginners to castle within 10 moves.

4. Connect Rooks.

     In the initial position two rooks in the corner does not support each other. By vacating their rank by the minor pieces,Queen and castling, rooks are connected. Developing rooks towards the center, preferably 'e' & 'd' files is recomended. 

5. Open Lines to Attack.

     Generally, its advisable to open lines ( files, ranks, diagonals ) only after developing essential pieces and safe guarding the king. Also to take consideration is that to bring home the advantage once must attack. Its a good rule of thumb to open lines against the enemy king for a successful king hunt. Rooks and Bishops love open files and diagonals respectively while Knights are a short range piece which loves center squares for greater mobility. Queen shouldn't be developed early in the game as it gets harrased  by enemy pieces.

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