Talk To The Angels
Course offered by Sandeep Narayan
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Reiki Grand Master, traditional Usui Reiki
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5 out of 5 1 review
"I was under severe depression and was attacked constantly by black magic forces. I had lost all hope for life and was even thinking of suicide. My finances were ruined and my family deserted me. Having nothing to loose, I requested Sandeepji to give me reiki for free as I had no money. Sandeepji was very helpful and hearing me, he even attuned me to Reiki for free asking that I only do offer to God something upon becoming all right. As I took the attunement, I felt all the evil forces around me start to fall away. Sandeepji taught me a technique to protect myself from psychic attack and this technique has strengthened me every day. Now I can step outside my home and go about my life as if nothing has happened. I owe my life to Sandeepji. Thank you."
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5 out of 5 1 review
"I was under severe depression and was attacked constantly by black magic forces. I had lost all hope for life and was even thinking of suicide. My finances were ruined and my family deserted me. Having nothing to loose, I requested Sandeepji to give me reiki for free as I had no money. Sandeepji was very helpful and hearing me, he even attuned me to Reiki for free asking that I only do offer to God something upon becoming all right. As I took the attunement, I felt all the evil forces around me start to fall away. Sandeepji taught me a technique to protect myself from psychic attack and this technique has strengthened me every day. Now I can step outside my home and go about my life as if nothing has happened. I owe my life to Sandeepji. Thank you."
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Talk To The Angels by Sandeep Narayan
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