

Prashant Nagar, Vijayanagar, Bangalore, India - 560079

26 Students

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BTech Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

BTech Mechanical subjects

Electro Magnetic Theory, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Intelligent Systems, Turbomachines, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Finite Element Analysis, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Thermodynamics, Machine Design, Energy Engineering and Management, Dynamics of Machinery, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Mechanics of Machines, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Mechatronics Engineering, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Material Science and Metallurgy, CAD-CAM, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Tribology, Manufacturing Technology, Steam & Gas Turbines, Jet Propulsion and Rocket Technology, Kinematics of Machinery, Fluid Mechanics, Elasticity & Plasticity, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Engineering Acoustics, Cryogenics, Product Design and Manufacturing, Industrial Robotics, Design Engineering, Welding Technology, Production and Operations Management, Automobile Engineering, Destructive & Non Destructive Testing/ Fracture Mechanics, Operations Research, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Micro Machining, Heat & Mass Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental Pollution Control, Strength of Materials, Fluid Drives and Control, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Electromagnetic Theory, Fuzzy-Neural Control, Computer Networks, Direct Energy Conversion, Solid State Drives, Lighting Science: Devices And Systems, Distribution System Automation, Planning And Control, Control Systems, Incremental Motion Control, Real Time Systems, Digital Control Systems, Photovoltaics And Applications, Industrial Automation & Control, Algorithms And Data Structures, Design Of Embedded Controllers, Insulation And Testing Engineering, Polyphase Systems And Component Transformations, Signal Processing, Database Management Systems, Network SynthesiS, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Communication Systems, Smart Grid Technologies, Power System Engineering, Measurements & Instrumentation, Data Structures & Algorithms, Power Electronics, System Design & Computer Architecture, Circuit Theory, Finite Element Method And Applications, Alternative Energy Sources, Electric Power Quality, Non-Conventional Energy Systems, High-Voltage Direct Current (Hvdc) Transmission, Electric Power Stations, Switchgear And Protection, Microprocessors, High-Voltage Engineering, Electric Energy Systems, Computer Control Of Energy Systems, Design Of Intelligent Electronic Devices, Linear And Digital Control Theory, Building Automation Systems, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Energy Management & Auditing, Commutator Machines, Intel Ia-32 Architecture, Power System Protection, Regulation & Security, (EMI) Electromagnetic Interference Testing And Design For Compatibility, Applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Neural Networks And Applications, Power Generation And Economics, Discrete Fourier Transforms And Digital Filter Design, Embedded Processor Architecture, Analog And Digital Communication, (Dc- Ac) Direct Current-Alternatiing Current System Interaction, Condition Monitoring Techniques For Electrical Equipments, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Linear And Nonlinear Systems, Electrical Machinery, Sensor Technology And Instrumentation Design, Electric Drives, Modern Power Converters, Renewable Energy, Traveling Waves On Transmission System, Flexible Ac Transmission Systems, Modelling And Simulation Techniques For Dynamic System, Digital Computer Organization And Architecture

BTech Computer Science subjects

Unix Network Programming, Machine Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Software Testing and Analysis, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Number Theory and Cryptography, Object Technology, Software Quality Assurance, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Information Security, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Computer Networks, Data Communication, Web Engineering, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Combinatorics, Protocol Engineering, Types of Database Systems, Network security, Database Management Systems, Compiler Design, Microprocessors, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Software Engineering and Architecture, Mobile Application Development, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Computer Architecture, Big Data Analytics, Wireless Networks, Game Programming, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Internet Technology and Applications, Storage Device and Technology, Programming in C#, Computer Organization & Design, Linux Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Virtual Reality Technologies, Design Of Digital Systems, Java Programming, Network Processors, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Hardware, Social Network Analysis, Building Enterprise Application, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Network Management & Design, Simulation and Modelling, Software Project Management

BTech Branch

BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering, BTech Information Science Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering

BTech Information Science subjects

Software Architecture, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Multimedia Communication, Embedded Systems, Natural Computing, Digital Systems, Software Project and Quality Management, Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Microprocessor Systems, Social Network Analytics, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic, Semantic Web, Business Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Internet Tools &Technology, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Defined Networking, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pattern Recognition, Information &Web Security, Computer Graphics and Animation, Artificial Intelligence, Next Generation Telecom Networks, Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Principles of Data Communication, Software Reliability, Design and Development of Web Applications, Big Data Analytics, Web Intelligence, Database Systems, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Object Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, Operations and Systems Management, Mobile Computing

BTech Automobile subjects

Strength Of Materials, Automotive Electrical And Electronics System, Design Of Machine Elements, Automotive Engines, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Automotive Chassis And Suspension, Ergonomics In Automotive Design, Alternative Fuels And Energy System, Automotive Safety, Composite Structures, Vehicle Aerodynamics, Vehicle Dynamics, New Generation And Hybrid Vehicles, Engineering Mechanics, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Mechanics Of Machines, Thermodynamics, Theory Of Machines, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery

BTech Electrical & Communication subjects

Data Structures and Algorithms, Semiconductor Device Physics, Wireless Communication, Network Analysis, Electronic Product Design & Packaging, Embedded Networking, Soft Computing Techniques, Digital System Design, Mobile Communication, Communication Networks, Electronic System Design, Information Theory and Coding, Spread Spectrum Communication, Digital Communication, Power Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Linear Systems & Signals, Analog Electronics, (MEMS) Microelectromechanical Systems Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Analog Signal Processing, Embedded System Design, Microwave Integrated Circuits, (VLSI/ULSI) Very Large Scale Integration Process Technology, Digital Electronics, Nanoscience & Technology, Speech and Audio Processing, Microcontrollers and Applications, Flexible Electronics, (RTL) Register Transfer Level Verification using Verilog, Electronic Instrumentation, (IC) Integrated Circuit Systems, Linear and Digital Control Systems, Electronic Circuit Design, Satellite Communication, Object Oriented Programming, Cipher Systems, Active Filter Design, Computer Organization and Architecture, Optical Fiber Communication, Digital Image Processing, Electromagnetic Waves, Analog Communication, Radar and Navigation Systems, Error Control Coding, Processors and Controllers, Building Automation Systems, Logic Design, System on Chip Design, Antennas, Signals & Circuits Simulation, (RF) Radio Frequency & Microwave Engineering, Real Time Systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

BTech 1st Year subjects

Advanced Mathematics (M2), Basic Electrical Technology, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Engineering Graphics, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Basic Electronics, Computer science

BTech Civil subjects

Civil Engineering Materials And Construction, Elements Of Earthquake Engineering, Engineering Geology, Engineering Optimization, Soil Reinforcement And Geosynthetics, Fluid Mechanics, Hydrological Analysis, Estimation And Costing, Highway And Traffic Engineering, Ground Improvement Techniques, Disaster Management And Mitigation, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Remote Sensing And Gis, Building Code And Requirements, Environmental Impact Assessment And Auditing, Resource Management, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures, Environmental Engineering & Management, Precast Technology, Computer Aided Analysis And Design, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machines, Non Destructive Testing Of Materials, Design Of Foundation And Earth Retaining Structures, Surveying, Mechanics Of Structure, Waste Treatment and Management, Bridge Engineering, Pavement Material And Design, Building Science & Technology, Concrete Design and Technology, Structural Design And Drawing, Structural Analysis, Railway Engineering And Airport Planning, Design Of Steel Structures, Applied Soil Engineering, Urban Transportation Planning, Coastal Engineering, Water Supply & Resources Engineering

MTech Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute


Civil Engineering, Electronics/Telecom Engineering, Computers/IT, Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Diploma Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Data Structure, Computer Networks, Operating System, Visual Basic, Systems Programming, Computer Architecture & Maintenance, Network Management and Administration, Software Testing, Digital Techniques, Microprocessor & Programming, Advanced Java Programming, Management Information Systems, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Advanced Web Technology, Embedded System, Entrepreneurship Development, Relational Data Base Management Systems, Java Programming, Communication Techniques, Windows Programming, Multimedia and Animation Techniques, Object Oriented Programming

Engineering Diploma Branch

Electrical Engineering Diploma, Electronics, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Information Technology Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Production Processes, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Applied Mathematics, Mechatronics, Fundamentals of Electronics, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Processes, Electrical Technology, Computer Programming, Automobile Manufacturing System, Heat Engineering, Strength of Materials, Plant Engineering

Engineering Diploma Subject

Engineering Mechanics, Basic Math, Computer Fundamentals, Engineering Mathematics

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

CAD-CAM & Automation, Power Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Tool Engineering, Strength of Materials, Power Plant Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Material Handling Systems, Measurements & Control, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Fundamentals of Electronics, Computer Programming, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Fluid Power, Design of Machine Elements, Management, Metrology & Quality Control, Production Processes, Alternate Energy Sources & Management, Automobile Engineering, Production Technology

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Operating System, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Network Management Administration, Programming Windows in VC++, Professional Practices, Environmental Studies, Java Programming, Applied Mathematics, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Linux Programming, Computer Graphics, Digital Techniques, Advanced Java Programming, Data Structure Using 'C', Entrepreneurship Development, Basics of C Programming, Behavioral Science, Network Programming, Software Testing, Microprocessor and Programming, Relational Database Management Systems, Embedded System, Computer Security, Advanced Microprocessor, Electrical Technology, Computer Hardware and Maintenace, Computer Network

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Automobile Transmission Systems, Basic Electrical and Electronics, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Syaytems, Strength of Materials, Automibile Engines, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Automobile component Design, Mechantronics, Heat Power Engineering, Advanced Automobile Engines, Automobile Systems, Hydraulics and Pnumatics, CAD-CAM and Automation, Vehicle aerodynamics and Design, Automobile Manufacturing Processes, Applied Math, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Computer Programming, Vehicle Testing

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Principles Of Management And Costing, Electrical Machines, Switchgear And Protection, Electrical Design, Estimation And Costing, Electric Circuit Theory, Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Electric Drives, Computer Programming, Power Electronics, Control System Components, Electrical Engineering Drawing, Entrepreneurship Development, Computer Aided Design, Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Power, Basic Electronics, Instrumentation & Transducers, Power Stations, Electrical Energy Audit And Conservation, Civil Construction And Survey, Industrial Attachment, Renewable Energy Technology, Micro Hydro Power, Electrical Installation, Electrical Repair And Maintenance, Electrical Measurements And Measuring Instruments, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Utilization Of Electrical Energy

BCA Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

BCA Subject

Data structures, Microprocessor, Computer Basics and PC Software , Unix Shell programming, Visual Programing, Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques , Operating System Concepts and Networking Management , Web Programming, Programming in C++ , Computer Networks , Java Programming, Software Engineering , Operation Research, Cryptography and Network Security, Data and File Structures , Systems Analysis and Design , Mathematics, Digital Electronics, Business Organization , Accountancy, C Language Programming, Database Management Systems , Statistical Techniques , E-Commerce , Problem Solving and Programming , Algorithm Design , Business Communication , Internet Concepts and Web Design , Network Programming and Administration , Assembly Language Programming, Object Oriented Technologies, IT, Data Communication and Networks, Computer Architecture, Financial Accounting and Management

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

C Language Classes
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

C++ Language Classes
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

Proficiency level taught

Basic C++

Java Training Classes
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute


JSP (Java Server Pages), J2EE, Core Java, Web services, Servlet, Hibernate, Struts, Spring

Certification training offered


BSc Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

BSc Electronics Subjects

Mathematics, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Engineering Mathematics, Data Structures, Numerical Techniques, Digital Electronics, Fundamental of Programming Languages

BSc Computer Science Subjects

Digital Electronics, Statistical Methodology, Programming Fundamentals, Calculus and Geometry, Data Mining, Information Security, Calculus and Matrices, Computer Systems Architecture, Data Structures, Software Testing, Operating Systems, Internet Technologies, Differential Equations, Software Engineering, Network programming and Administration, Real Analysis, Basic Statistics and Probability, Microprocessors, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Discrete Structures, Combinatorial Optimisations, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Theory of Computations, Operational Research

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

BSc IT Subjects

Dbms using FoxPro, Advance and data structure, Computer organization & architechture, Foundation of information Technology, Foundation of mathematics & statistics, Problem solving methodologies & programming in C

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

BSc Branch

BSc IT, BSc Electronics, BSc Computer Science

Class 10 Tuition
7 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute



CBSE Subjects taught

Computer Practices, English, Hindi, Social science, Information and Comunication Technology, Mathematics, Accountancy, Science, Kannada, Elements of business

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Mathematics, Geography, Computer Application, History and Civics, Physics, English Literature, Hindi, Economics, Economic Application, Chemistry, Biology

State Syllabus Subjects taught

Social Science, Hindi, Kannada, English, Science, Mathematics, EVS

3.8 out of 5 21 reviews

JNANA SAMRUDDHI INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION https://www.urbanpro.com/assets/new-ui/institute-100X100.png Prashant Nagar, Vijayanagar

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Good teaching, Excellent communication and well revision test made a good score in the diploma course. "

Reply by JNANA

Thank you vijaya for your appreciation words.


BTech Tuition

""Good faculties. Good management. Faculty who taught is very cooperative. As i took one to one classes the timings were arranged according our convenience. Teachers are well qualified and teaching is good. Any problem regarding timings or classes will be attended immediately by the institute Worth paying for the classes. Test's will be conducted regularly which really helped. "


Java Training

"I attended core java training and control systems here. Actually I am studying masters in germany. As i am from Mechanical background, i had deficient knowledge in these two subjects, I attended classes in this institute. The staff is very friendly and they will make sure you understand the concepts really well. As i had very less time. They taught me what all i needed to crack the exam. The fees is also less comapared to other institute. I would recommend anyone who is currently searching for tuition classes to join this institute. I am glad that i found this institute on this website. "


BTech Tuition

"I had opted for Antennas and Propagation, BE - EC. I was taught by Miss Shwetha at the institute. She is a very caring tutor who encourages students to work hard. Miss Shruthi also helped me a lot during my course. Thanks a lot to everyone for helping me out. "


BTech Tuition

"Don't waste your time on this. The quality of classes are very poor. If you look carefully all the reviews are given by the same person. It's a propy scam. "


BTech Tuition

"There is no less than one star so I have given that. I have joined for engineering maths classes. Once money is paid they will not respond you. Totally worst and arrogant staff. I advice you not to join. "

Reply by JNANA

Mr.Mohith you are not Enrolled as a Student in our institute. So please do not give fake Review here and do not send wrong message to the students who in need coaching classes for various Engineering subjects.


BTech Tuition

"As I had Arrears in Mechanical Engineering subjects. And I was searching for good institute who Teaches me in short duration so that I can clear my subjects.So one of my Friend Recommended Jnana Samruddhi Institute which is one of the good institute for teaching in Mechanical Engineering subjects.So i joined this institute and found that the faculty who taught me my Arrears subject like Thermodynamics, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, and Engineering Mathematics Subjects. Concentrated on important and Exam point of view Topics in short duration. This made me to clear my Arrears subjects. So i like to thank Jnana samruddhi institute to arrange a faculty and to complete my subjects topics on Time in short duration. "


Engineering Diploma Tuition

"This Institute is very Good. I had joined for Engineering Diploma classes for Mathematics (M-1 and M-2), Strength of Material subjects of Mechanical Engineering Diploma. Good co-ordination between student and faculty having Flexibility of Timings to attend classes. The main advantage at this Jnana Samruddhi institute is One to One classes conducted which made me to understand the subject easily, and clear the doubts. Faculty gave me individual attention to me which helped me to understand the concepts easily and clear my Exams.So i recommend this institute for my friends also. "


Java Training

"Good Institute for C++ and Java Training.The Faculty who taught me had very Good IT industry Exposure and while Teaching this programming Languages they exposed me to the Real world Examples which are used in the IT industry. Now I have Lot of confidence in me to implement this programming Languages in the Real world applications. Thanks for Jnana Samruddhi institute in providing me very Good Faculty. "


BTech Tuition

"Very Good Institute having Good Teaching Environment. Attended Microprocessors, Control Systems, linear IC subjects.Good professor ever seen taught the subject in a very simple manner which made me understand the subject very easily.This made me to clear this subject and score Good marks. Thanks for this institute who arranged this good Professor. "


BTech Tuition

"Jnana Samruddhi institute is one of the Best coaching classes for Engineering Subjects. After joining Here I have cleared Strength of Material, Thermodynamic, Engineering Mathematics-2 subjects of Mechanical Engineering. As above mentioned subjects are one of the difficult subjects, the faculty who taught this subject made me understand this subject more easily by giving related examples for each topics covered in the subject which made me to understand the concept in depth. "


Engineering Diploma Tuition

"This Institute is very Good. I had joined for Engineering Diploma classes for Mathematics (M-1 and M-2), Strength of Material subjects of Mechanical Engineering Diploma. Good co-ordination between student and faculty having Flexibility of Timings to attend classes. The main advantage at this Jnana Samruddhi institute is One to One classes conducted which made me to understand the subject easily, and clear the doubts. Faculty gave me individual attention to me which helped me to understand the concepts easily and clear my Exams.So i recommend this institute for my friends also. "


Java Training

"Good Institute for C++ and Java Training.The Faculty who taught me had very Good IT industry Exposure and while Teaching this programming Languages they exposed me to the Real world Examples which are used in the IT industry. Now I have Lot of confidence in me to implement this programming Languages in the Real world applications. Thanks for Jnana Samruddhi institute in providing me very Good Faculty "


BTech Tuition

"I had attended classes for Artificial intelligence subject of Computer science.The faculty who taught me this subject had good knowledge.This made me understand this subject very easily and gave very good examples.so that i could understand the concepts very easily. so i thank Jnana Samruddhi institute for providing me very good faculty for this subject "


BTech Tuition

"I had joined for Engineering Mathematics M1 and M2. The faculty who taught us engg maths explained in easy and more simple understandable method to solve the problem, which made me to understand the concept more easily. The institute is very friendly and helped me to clear all my doubt related to the subject. So I will join this institute again for the subjects which I feel difficult. "

Have you attended any class with JNANA SAMRUDDHI INSTITUTE OF E...?

JNANA SAMRUDDHI INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION conducts classes in BCA Tuition, BSc Tuition and BTech Tuition. It is located in Prashant Nagar, Vijayanagar, Bangalore. It takes Regular Classes- at the Institute and Online Classes- via online medium. It has got 21 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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