
CA Intermediate Group 2

8 reviews
3 Hours

Course offered by Arjun. V

11 reviews

Group 2

CA Intermediate Advanced Accounting Syllabus

(One paper â?? Three hours â?? 100 Marks)

Weightage: 20% to 25%

1.Accounting Standards:

- AS 7: Construction Contracts AS 9 : Revenue Recognition

- AS 14: Accounting for Amalgamations

- AS 18 : Related Party Disclosures

- AS 19: Leases

- AS 20 : Earnings Per Share

- AS 24 : Discontinuing Operations

- AS 26 : Intangible Assets

- AS 29 : Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.

2. Application of Guidance Notes issued by the ICAI on specified accounting aspects. Company Accounts

Weightage: 35% to 40%

3.Special Aspects of Company Accounts

- Accounting for employee stock option plan

- Buyback of securities

- Equity shares with differential rights

- Underwriting of shares and debentures.

4.Reorganization of Companies

- Accounting for Amalgamation (excluding inter-company holding) and reconstruction

- Accounting involved in liquidation of companies.

Weightage: 15% to 20%

5.Financial Reporting of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)

- Insurance companies,

- Banking companies and

- Non-Banking Financial Companies

- Mutual funds and regulatory requirements thereof.

Weightage: 20% to 25%

6.Valuation of goodwill

7.Consolidated Financial Statements

Concept of consolidation and simple problems on Consolidated Financial Statements with single subsidiary (excluding problems involving acquisition of Interest in Subsidiary at Different Dates; Different Reporting Dates; Disposal of a Subsidiary and Foreign Subsidiaries)

Notes :

1.If either a new Accounting Standards (ASs), Announcements and Limited Revisions to ASs are issued or the earlier one are withdrawn or new ASs, Announcements and Limited Revisions to AS are issued in place of existing ASs, Announcements and Limited Revisions to AS, the syllabus will accordingly include/exclude such new developments in the place of the existing ones with effect from the date to be notified.

2.The specific inclusions/exclusions, in any topic covered in the syllabus, will be effected every year by way of Study Guidelines. The list of applicable Guidance Notes in Accounting will also form part of the Study Guidelines.

CA Intermediate Auditing and Assurance Syllabus (100 Marks)

(One paper â?? Three hours â?? 100 Marks)

Weightage: 20% to 25%

1.Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit

Auditing Concepts: Nature, objective and scope of Audit; Relationship of auditing with other disciplines;

Standard Setting Process: Overview, Standard-setting process, Role of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) & Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB); Standards on Auditing, Guidance Note(s) issued by the ICAI;

Engagement Standards: Qualities of Auditor, Elements of System of Quality Control (SQC 1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements); Ethical requirements relating to an audit of financial statements; Inherent Limitations of an audit (SA 200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Standards on Auditing); Preconditions for an audit; Audit Engagement; Agreement on Audit Engagement Terms; Terms of Engagement in Recurring Audits (SA 210 Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements); Leadership Responsibilities for Quality on Audits; Concept of Auditorâ??s Independence; Threats to Independence; Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Audit Engagements (SA 220 Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements).

2.Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
Audit Strategy; Audit planning (SA 300); Audit programme; Development of Audit Plan and Programme, Control of quality of audit work - Delegation and supervision of audit work; Materiality and Audit Plan; Revision of Materiality; Documenting the Materiality; Performance Materiality (SA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit).

Weightage: 5% to 15%

3.Audit Documentation and Audit Evidence

Concept of Audit Documentation; Nature & Purpose of Audit Documentation; Form, Content & Extent of Audit Documentation; Completion Memorandum; Ownership and custody of Audit Documentation (SA 230 Audit Documentation); Audit procedures for obtaining audit evidence; Sources of evidence; Relevance and Reliability of audit evidence; Sufficient appropriate audit evidence, Evaluation of Audit Evidence (SA 500 Audit Evidence); Written Representations as Audit Evidence; Objective of Auditor regarding Written Representation; Management from whom Written Representations may be requested; Written Representations about Managementâ??s Responsibilities (SA 580 Written Representations); Obtaining evidence of existence of inventory; Audit procedure to identify litigation & claims (SA 501 Audit Evidence - Specific Considerations for Selected Items); External confirmation procedures; Management's refusal to allow the auditor to send a confirmation request; Negative Confirmations (SA 505 External Confirmations); Audit evidence about opening balances; Accounting policies relating to opening balances; Reporting with regard to opening balances (SA 510 Initial Audit Engagements-Opening Balances); Meaning of Related Party; Nature of Related Party Relationships & Transactions; Understanding the Entity's Related Party Relationships & Transactions (SA 550 Related Parties); Meaning of Subsequent Events; Auditor's obligations in different situations of subsequent events (SA 560 Subsequent Events); Responsibilities of the Auditor with regard to Going Concern Assumption; Objectives of the Auditor regarding Going Concern; Events or Conditions that may cast doubt about Going Concern Assumption; Audit Procedures when events or conditions are identified (SA 570 Going Concern).

Weightage: 10% to 15%
4.Risk Assessment and Internal Control: Audit Risk, Identifying and Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement, Risk Assessment procedures; Understanding the entity and its environment; Internal control ,Documenting the Risks; Evaluation of internal control system; Testing of Internal control; Internal Control and IT Environment (SA 315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment); Materiality and audit risk (SA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit); Internal audit, Basics of Standards on Internal Audit (SIAs) issued by the ICAI; Basics of Internal Financial Control and reporting requirements; Distinction between Internal Financial Control and Internal Control over Financial Reporting.

Weightage: 15% to 20%
5.Fraud and Responsibilities of the Auditor in this Regard: Responsibility for the Prevention and Detection of Fraud; Fraud Risk Factors; Risks of Material Misstatement Due to Fraud; Communication of Fraud (SA 240 The Auditorâ??s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements); Provisions of the Companies Act 2013 relating to fraud and rules there under including reporting requirements under CARO.

6.Audit in an Automated Environment: Key features, Impact of IT related Risks, Impact on Controls, Internal Financial Controls as per Regulatory requirements, Types of Controls, Audit approach, Understanding and documenting Automated environment, Testing methods, data analytics for audit, assessing and reporting audit findings.

7.Audit Sampling: Meaning of Audit Sampling; Designing an audit sample; Types of sampling; Sample Size and selection of items for testing; Sample selection method (SA 530 Audit Sampling).

8.Analytical Procedure: Meaning, nature, purpose and timing of analytical procedures; Substantive analytical procedures, Designing and performing analytical procedures prior to Audit; investigating the results of analytical procedures (SA 520 Analytical Procedures).
Weightage: 10% to 15%
9.Audit of Items of Financial Statements: Audit of sale of Products and Services; Audit of Interest Income, Rental Income, Dividend Income, Net gain/loss on sale of Investments etc.

Audit of Purchases, Employee benefits expenses, Depreciation, Interest expense, Expenditure on Power & Fuel, Rent, Repair to building, Repair to Machinery, Insurance, Taxes, Travelling Expenses, Miscellaneous Expenses etc.

Audit of Share Capital, Reserve & Surplus, Long Term Borrowings, Trade Payables, Provisions, Short Term Borrowings & Other Current Liabilities. Audit of Land, Buildings, Plant & Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures, Vehicles, Office Equipments, Goodwill, Brand/Trademarks, Computer Software etc. Audit of Loan & Advances, Trade Receivable, Inventories, Cash & Cash Equivalent, Other Current Assets. Audit of Contingent Liabilities.

(The list of items is illustrative only)

10.The Company Audit: Eligibility, Qualifications and Disqualifications of Auditors;Appointment of auditors; Removal of auditors; Remuneration of Auditors; Powers and duties of auditors; Branch audit; Joint audit; Reporting requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 including CARO; Other Important Provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 relating to Audit and Auditors and Rules made there under.

Weightage: 5% to 15%
11.Audit Report: Forming an opinion on the Financial Statements; Auditor's Report- basic elements (SA 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements); Types of Modified Opinion; Circumstances When a Modification to the Auditorâ??s Opinion is Required (SA 705 Modification to the Opinion in the Independent Auditorâ??s Report); Qualification, Disclaimer, Adverse opinion (SA 706 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent, Auditorâ??s Report); Nature of Comparative Information; Corresponding Figure; Comparative Financial Statements (SA 710 Comparative Information

â?? Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements).

Weightage: 10% to 20%
12.Audit of Banks: Understanding of accounting system in Banks, Audit Approach, Audit of Revenue items, Special Consideration in Bank Audit with emphasis on Advances and NPAs.

13.Audit of Different Types of Entities: Appointment of Auditor, Audit Procedure. Audit Report in respect of different Category of Entities mentioned below: government; Local bodies and not-for-profit organizations; Partnership Firms, Audit of different type of undertakings, i.e., Educational institutions, Hotels, Clubs, Hospitals Basics of Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) audit and Co-operative Societies Audit.

Note:- The specific inclusions/exclusions, in any topic covered in the syllabus, will be effected every year by way of Study Guidelines.
- The provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 which are still in force would form part of the syllabus till the time their corresponding or new provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 are enforced.
- If new legislations/ Standards on Auditing/Guidance Notes/Statements are enacted in place of the existing legislations, the syllabus would include the corresponding provisions of such new legislations with effect from a date notified by the Institute. The changes in this regard would also form part of Study Guidelines.

CA Intermediate Enterprise Information Systems and Strategic Management Syllabus

(One paper â?? Three hours â?? 100 Marks)

Section A: Enterprise Information Systems (50 Marks)

Weightage: 15% to 25%

1. Automated Business Processes

- Introduction to Enterprise Business Processes, Benefits, Risks and Controls;

- Diagrammatic representation of business processes using Flowcharts;

- Risks and controls for specific business processes: Procure to pay (P2P), Order to cash, Inventory Cycle, Hire to Retire, Supply Chain Management, Fixed Assets etc.

- Applicable regulatory and compliance requirements including computer related offences, privacy, cybercrime, Sensitive Personal Data Information of Information Technology Act, 2000

Weightage: 15% to 25%

2. Financial and Accounting Systems

- Integrated (ERP) and non-integrated systems with related risks and controls;

- Business process modules and their integration with Financial and Accounting systems.

- Reporting Systems and MIS, Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

- Business Reporting and fundamentals of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).

- Applicable regulatory and compliance requirements

Weightage: 15% to 25%

3. Information Systems and Its Components

- Components of Automated Information Systems: Application Systems, Database, Network and Operating System with related risks and controls.

- Mapping of Organization structure with segregation of duties in Information Systems.

Weightage: 15% to 25%

4. E-Commerce, M-Commerce and Emerging Technologies

- Components and Architecture of E-Commerce and M-Commerce with related risks and controls

- Business process flow with its related risks and controls

- Applicable regulatory and compliance requirements

- Emerging technologies with its related risks and controls

Weightage: 15% to 25%

5.Core Banking Systems

- Components and Architecture of CBS and related risks and controls

- Core modules of banking and Business process flow and its related risks and controls

- Reporting Systems and MIS, Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

- Applicable regulatory and compliance requirements

Section B: Strategic Management (50 Marks)

Weightage: 10% to 15%

1. Introduction to Strategic Management

- Business Policy

- Meaning and Nature of Strategic management

- Business Strategy

- Strategic Levels in Organizations

- Strategic Management in Government and Not-for-profit organization

Weightage: 10% to 15%

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17 Students

8 Courses

Arjun. V

ACA, B.com

6 Years of Teaching Experience

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Arivu Pro Academy https://www.urbanpro.com/assets/new-ui/institute-100X100.png Koramangala
Arivu Pro Academy

CA Foundation

"It i always better to have less students in class which helps students with one to one attention and less distraction. And Arivo excels with that. It also very good highly qualified faculty which just makes the learning experience lot simpler and fun. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 1

"Good academy for ca ippc, let's us learn how we want to, no pressure, stress free learning,good time table until we follow along with. Having a good time with Arivu Pro. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 2

"The classes are short and crisp it's dealt from the exam point of view. Notes provided are really helpful. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 1

"I was very satisfied with the way they teach. They help us any time possible within and outside class timings. "

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4 out of 5 8 reviews

Arivu Pro Academy https://www.urbanpro.com/assets/new-ui/institute-100X100.png Koramangala
Arivu Pro Academy

CA Foundation

"It i always better to have less students in class which helps students with one to one attention and less distraction. And Arivo excels with that. It also very good highly qualified faculty which just makes the learning experience lot simpler and fun. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 1

"Good academy for ca ippc, let's us learn how we want to, no pressure, stress free learning,good time table until we follow along with. Having a good time with Arivu Pro. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 2

"The classes are short and crisp it's dealt from the exam point of view. Notes provided are really helpful. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 1

"I was very satisfied with the way they teach. They help us any time possible within and outside class timings. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Foundation

"Amazing teachers. They help and guide us on the right path. Help us in understanding our weakness and guide us in overcoming them. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Intermediate Group 1

"I like to Arivupro academy because teacher's are very nice person and teacher's behaviour with students very friendly and all subjects are notes also available. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Coaching

"Arivu pro academy is one of the best institute. The staff and the teachers are really good.And I am glad that I am doing my CA course here. I am totally satisfied with the teaching and all the notes that are given for our references.Friendly management. The teachers are professionals and have a good experience in the field of teaching. All the needed encouragement is given by the teachers. A really good place to build our future. "

Arivu Pro Academy

CA Coaching

"Firstly all faculties are very friendly, teaching is excellence. They are provide the easy notes for every subjects and motivate the students to study well, premises is too good and excellence in education our arivu pro academy. "

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