Beginners of the language need to strengthen A1 level . They need to be confident of all the important verbs and their different forms w.r.t. the pronouns e.g. first , second and third persons. They need to be very confident of the WH questions e.g. wie, woher, wohin, wo etc.
They will learn different fruits vegetables in this level in German language. They will also learn how to ask questions on travelling from one place to another via different modes of transport etc. They will learn about common nouns like schools , books , sports etc. They will also learn how the alphabets in GERMAN language - 26 + 4. They will also learn how to greet formally and informally in the language. They will learn how to elaborate numericals in this language and spell them out e.g. 121->ein hundert ein und zwanzig. They will also learn the tricks of formal and informal German language.
In this level they will learn Nominative and Accusative cases.
Nominative case - would be when there is no subject and object in the sentence e.g. I am going to school e.g. Ich gehe die Schule .
Accusative case - where there is a subject and object in the sentence e.g. I like coffee e.g. Ich mag Kaffee.