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What is Kaal Sarpa? Is this yoga or dosha?

Vikas Jindal
13/12/2016 0 2

Kaal Sarpa Yoga is said to be formed in horoscope/kundali when all seven planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu (shadows planets). So it is yoga or dosha?
'Kaal' means death and Sarpa means snake and the name itself is good enough to scare people. It is said that the person born under Kaal Sarp Yog lives miserable life.
Let me explain like this. what first come in your mind? when you see picture of snake. Fear, Right? In Kaal Sarpa dosha, there are double deaths.
Rahu and Ketu are key planets for kaal sarpa so it is very essential first understand Rahu and Ketu.

According to my guru, the world famous respected Mr. K.N.Rao:
“Kaal-Sarpa Dosha is one of the biggest frauds in astrology. First of all nobody knows from where this kal-sarpa yoga has originated. No reference can be found in any of the classical texts like Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Brihat Jatak, Saravali etc. Secondly and most importantly, I always mentioned that the birth chart should be analysed in totality. Every horoscope has hundreds of good and bad yogas and all these yogas should be synthesized before drawing any conclusion. A single Rajyoga cannot make anybody king, similarly a kal-sarpa yoga alone cannot create death like situation.”

According to the most respected Vedic astrologer of the last century Dr. B.V. Raman:
"Kala-sarpa Yoga has its bright shades. It [is said to] makes one industrious, hardworking, aware of one's own ability- despite mental restlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in their respective fields provided of course other Raja Yogas are present. Rahu-Ketu axis favors rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters. It is also found that Kala-sarpa Yoga natives get betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives. Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind and mellows one's outlook. This is a blessing of Kala-sarpa Yoga."
"It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to Kala-sarpa Yoga. The view held by some astrologers that Kala-sarpa Yoga affects longevity and adversely affects the operation of other yogas favoring a rise in life, achievement, and accomplishment is not tenable. The overall assessment of the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including Kala-sarpa Yoga, is capable of marring or making a horoscope. In our view, Kala-sarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology [assessment of world events] and is not of much importance in individual charts."

Type of Kaalsarp Yoga:
Depending on the position of Rahu/Ketu in the chart, various types of yoga are formed.

Annant Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yoga which arises is the Anant Kaalsarpa Yoga. This is also called as Vipareeta Kaalsarpa Yoga opposite Kaalsarpa yoga. Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for marital life. Generally natives with this yoga get married late in life or can have problems in marriage life. There could be problems to business or business partner as well. If the native becomes very hardworking and pay attention to personal development, then this yoga can actually create a lot of good results. Life will be full of struggle but with the power of self-effort , the native can go very high.

Kulik Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kaalsarpa Yoga arises. This combination is bad for health. There could be diseases of the s-xual nature or of the private parts. This is bad for financial prosperity too. The native is worried on account of an insecure financial standing. They may get into business problems and may face problems in accumulating money. The native may also misuse his interest in occult practices.

Vasuki Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yoga is formed. The native may have to struggle a lot to stand on his own feet and get recognition and status in life. There could be sudden strokes of fortune or misfortune and sudden gains. The positive effects will come only if the overall chart is very strong and there are no malefic aspects on either 9th house or 9th lord.

Shankpaal Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native may have to face difficulties for domestic happiness, general happiness, comfort and conveyance. The native gets trouble relating to work, progeny, health and marriage. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains if Sun and 10th house are strong and are being aspected by benefics.

Padam Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native struggles on account of children and education. The native may feel emotionally insecure due to lack of apparent love from others. There could be delay in getting children. The native should stay away from extra marital affairs as illegitimate children can destroy his/her life. There are also chances of being let down/betrayed by near and dear ones. The native must try to develop a balanced outlook in life.

Mahapadam Kaalsarpa Yoga:
This yoga is formed when Rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the twelfth house and rest of the planets fall in between. The native has secret enemies and has problems in relation to one’s occupation. The native may develop a negative tendency to play with the law of the land and may get into serious troubles on account of this tendency. However if this yoga acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and political success.

Takshak Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. There may be difficulties regarding health, love affairs, progeny and marriage. There will be a lot of struggle in life and success will come only after a lot of hard work and difficulties. This is also not a good position for business partnerships as well as relations with opposite s-x. The native must focus on his people skills if this yoga is present.

Karkotak Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native is short tempered and has many enemies. There may be dirty habits like smoking, drinking and use of abuseve language. This could also be the result of bad company the native like to keep. There could be health problems and lack of harmony. There is also danger of getting into sudden accidents.

Shankachood Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. Natives who have this yoga in the chart go through many ups and downs in life. The progress in life takes a very bumpy road. Luck may elude the native. Relations with father and siblings may also be strained. Native should stay away from the activities which may earn him bad name in the society.

Ghatak Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu is in tenth house and Ketu in the fourth house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. There could be problems related to one’s profession. There could be sudden ups and downs in one’s profession. The native must stay away from getting in to trouble with seniors at work. There could be general unhappiness in native’s life. It could be due to problems at work, debt or some bad habits.

Vishdhar Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and Ketu the fifth house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native must stay away from gambling and other forms of speculations. Problems may also arise from progeny and education. The native must stay away from egoistical attitude as that may mar his chances of good name in the society.

Sheshnag Kaalsarpa Yoga:
When Rahu occupies the twelfth house and Ketu the 6th house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native may become very selfish and may also get into troubles with authorities because of this. The native may have problems relating to litigation. This yoga may also give bad health. However this yoga takes the native to a far off place for settlement.

My views:
Coin has two faces. Kaal sarpa is a yoga and as well as dosha.
Kaal means time, Lord Shiva’s second name is MahaKaal and Sarpa also represent Kundalini, (a coiled serpent) - source of energy.
That’s why for kaal sarpa we astrologers advise to worship lord shiva. Lord Shiva is lord of kaal and has serpent.
Kaal sarpa yoga shows imbalance. Because in case kaal sarpa, seven planets are placed in one part of chart (Planet gives us cosmic force from universe) in between Rahu and Ketu.
Kaal sarpa yoga shows concentration of all power in one area and absence in other area of chart.
Concentration of power is good and as well as bad because presence of this situation can easily disturb life.
In Nabhas yoga, if seven planets are placed in seven consecutive signs, it is mentioned as a bad yoga and here in case of Kaal Sarpa, light comes in the grip of shadowy planet.
Kaal sarpa dosha is bad when there are other dosha in chart.
Astrology is a guiding tool. We can take help of astrology to overcome multiple life problems. Example: it is not advisable to cross river at the time of flood.
Kaal sarpa yoga shows misuse of powers in previous birth. This is the reason, why a person will not get or achieve things at appropriate time.

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Chinnaswamy | 02/12/2020

Sarpa dosa/yoga is true. In my kundalini, Ketu is present in Lagna (Vrishab), and Rahu is a seventh-place, i.e., Vrishchika. According to Astrology "a person having Kala sarpa yoga faces difficulties after 42nd year of his life. In my life, itself is an example of this. My parents, brother and sisters get separated by me when I reached 42nd year of my life without reason. Even my mother became my enemy and provoked my sisters and brother to get separated from me. I am living alone even though I have five sisters and a brother.

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Pavaman | 10/05/2018

Is Sarpa Dosha also bogus? It is defined in some websites as- 'If Rahu or Ketu is in the lagna, 2nd, 5th, 7th or 8th house, it is generally said to have Sarpa dosha.'

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