REGULAR VERBS kommen gehen machen English Nominativ Personal Pronomen Endung Singular I ich e komme gehe mache you du st kommst gehst machst he/she/it er/sie/es t kommt geht macht Plural we wir en kommen gehen machen you...
THE IMPERATIVE The Imperative is the form of the verb that is used for giving commands or orders. For the reason, the imperative is used only for the second person pronouns. Phrases like “stand,...
Dear Language Aspirants, How to choose a foreign language depends on many factors: 1. For employment in India: India remains a big market for offshore/outsourcing processes. The MNC's having their...
Most verbs in German end with ‘en’ and a verb infinitive form is just 1 word, for example, to learn, the verb infinite form in English comprises of 2 words ‘to’ & ‘learn’;...