Zur, zum nach In English, we have: I go to bank. I go to museum. I go to Italy. All three sentences have 'to'. In German, we have: Ich gehe zur Bank. Ich gehe...
The German Prepositions that take both the accusative and the dative cases are : In, an,auf,vor,hinten,über,unten,neben,zwischen Since these prepositions alternately take the accusative...
50 German Accusative verbs: bestellen (hat bestellt) – to order: Er bestellt einen Kaffee. – He orders a coffee. Ich habe es online bestellt. – I ordered it online. bezahlen (hat...
Hi All, As you must have seen that one simple verb/word has many variations. Just by adding one suffix or prefix, the entire meaning of that word gets changed. Therefore, to give you more detail about...
Wichtige Begrüßungen in Deutschland ! Hallo! Wie heißen Sie? Guten Tag Ich heiße Maria. Guten Morgen! Wie heht es Ihenen? Guten Abend. Haben Sie zeit drausen zu kommen? Gute...