# Das Thema - Erstellen Sie einen Dialog zwischen zwei Freunden, die bereit sind, sich auf ihre gemeinsame Party vorzubereiten .
+ Eine unterredung - Die junge fraulein X gibt eine party. Sie...
To ease the matter further for you, I am including here some rules and some hints to know and to make out the gender of the nouns in German. Please note that these rules and hints...
Greetings Learners,
Lets learn numbers in German today. I also share the audio in German and in the class we practice together so you get the exact pronounciation from native German speaker as well and...
The Konjunktiv II
The Konjunktiv II is a verb form that you will mostly find in indirect speech. You use it when using Konjunktiv I is ambiguous, meaning the verb would be the same as another form of...
You have been invited to a party and you want to communicate with other people
Wie kann man die kommunikation beginnen?
Das erste Wort muss
Hallo (Hello)
Guten Tag (Good day)(can be...