Indirekte Rede Theorie The aim of this section is to learn how to say / to report what somebody else said before. German English Er sagte, er habe keine Zeit. Sie meinte, sie...
Let's see how do we greet/wish people in German Language. Guten Morgen = good morning Hallo= hello Guten Tag = good afternoon/good day Guten Abend = good evening Gute Nacht = good night Tschüss...
The German Prepositions that take both the accusative and the dative cases are : In, an,auf,vor,hinten,über,unten,neben,zwischen Since these prepositions alternately take the accusative...
Basic questions in German Language . Introductory questions 1) Wie heissen Sie ? (What is your name?) - Ich heisse Namrata (My name is Namrata) 2) Woher kommen Sie? (Where do you come from?) - Ich komme...