A global pandemic is a once in a lifetime catastrophe. However, education can't take a break because of it. Various institutions and tutors are now conducting their lectures 100% online, but are we comfortable...
Fill in the correct INDEFINITE article (ein/eine/einen). 1. ________ Mann kommt ins Klassenzimmer. 2. Hast du ________ Bruder oder ________ Schwester? 3. ________________...
Match the following with the appropriate W-Question: | Ordnen Sie die folgenden Fragen und Antworten zu: Wo? Woher? Wohin? Wer? Wen? Wem? Welches? Womit? Wessen? Wie viele? Wann? Wie? Was? _______...
Prepositions With Both Accusative & Dative The German Prepositions that take both the accusative and the dative cases are: Since these prepositions alternately take the accusative...