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Hi, I'm a basic coder(C and Java) ,however i am facing difficulties in higher levels of coding (at code chef/hacker rank). I would like to learn algorithms, sequences and the logic development. Preferable location is Navi Mumbai, even Mumbai will do.

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Corporate Trainer

You need to master advance web technologies like Jsp Servlets PHP Perl Python. Backend technologies like Oracle and / or MySql. Java Frameworks like Spring Hibernate or PHP Frameworks like Drupal Joomla and develop web app while learning these high end technologies. Apart from that Code Chef & Hacker...
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You need to master advance web technologies like Jsp Servlets PHP Perl Python. Backend technologies like Oracle and / or MySql. Java Frameworks like Spring Hibernate or PHP Frameworks like Drupal Joomla and develop web app while learning these high end technologies. Apart from that Code Chef & Hacker Rank kind of competitive web portals need someone with amazing smart phone app development skill in the domain of Android, iOS or developing app using Mobile Frameworks like Phone gap. Master these and while doing so your understanding of alogrithms, sequences and the logic development will grow day by day. That is how with in few months we will be able to build a repute over Code Chef and Hacker Rank. Do consider to build as good portfolio over Git Hub and Stack Overflow as well. read less

IT Professional Trainer with 15 years of experience in IT Industry

Everyone can do develop the software with some basic knowledge of programming. But when you wanted to expand your software with using plugins or themes. Then you have to know about design pattern and algorithm.

Android Wizard

I think you have to improve your problem solving skill. In other words, how much efficient and correct your algorithm in solving a problem. If you're good in C, learn pointers and data structures. If you want to go by Java, learn throughly Object Oriented principles and use them in Java coding. Addressing...
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I think you have to improve your problem solving skill. In other words, how much efficient and correct your algorithm in solving a problem. If you're good in C, learn pointers and data structures. If you want to go by Java, learn throughly Object Oriented principles and use them in Java coding. Addressing more and more problems and solving them will definitely improve your algorithm skill, which is required to be a successful coder. read less

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