We all are emotional beings. We run on emotions. We function by our feelings. And the sad reality is that in this world of competition, success and ambition; the purity of our emotions is getting corrupted or worse fully disappearing.
Everything. Every action has a list of agendas behind it. Teachers are teaching for results. Students are studying for marks. Corporate leaders are in this blinding race to gain power. The artists are working for their Facebook likes, wishing, praying to hit 'virality' one way or the other.
Where is the emotion?
Where is the community feeling?
Where is the purity of the action?
We are popping pills for anxiety, for blood pressure, 23-year olds are having cardiac arrests!
But where will you find the medicine for isolation? The cure for over-ambition? The solution for the constant fear that is existing in the society?
We are offering a place to unwind; to free yourself from the tags of your profession, your duties, your relations and reconnect with the inner child existing within you.
Every Sunday, for two hours, leave behind your worries and meet people from various age groups, from different walks of life.
Play with them. Make friends.
Add emotions back to your life.