Learning anything requires an action and dedication. You might find all the learning material and “secret” tips to learn a new language, but if you don’t start working on it, you’d achieve nothing. The truth is that if you want to get proficient with English, you might have to bring some changes in your daily routine. Here are some of the things you might have to do:

Call a Customer Service
This might sound weird but this is a very effective way to improve your communication skills. Choose any big company (or simply any telecom company) which you are subscribed to and then call their customer care (which is mostly toll-free) and complain or enquire about their services. This one-on-one interaction might help you improve upon your communication skills. Learn 5 New Words EverydayYou must learn at least 5 new words with their meaning, and you should also try to learn the synonyms and antonyms for each of them. Always note down the new words you learn. Use the learnt words in sentences and if possible, try to include them while interacting with others.
Read Kids’ Books.
The above mentioned things are some easy ways to work on the 4 core skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The most important of all the things is to never mind what other people think. No one is born perfect. You might make some mistakes while writing, or pronouncing anything in English. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Learn from them.