In yoga, Ardha Chandraasana is a basic stretch pose that impacts your lower body specially the abdomen.
How to do:
Stand straight with your feet together side by side. Clasp your hands and raise them above your head, as high as you can. Keeping hands and feet together, now try bending side wise. Exhale when you are bending, and inhale back when you retain to the first standing posture. Ardha Chandraasana can be performed back side as well, where you bend your body to the back. However, do not do this moving your body forward as it can harm your stretch muscles. Do avoid this pose if you are having spine injury or digestive problems. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)Integrally a part of Padma Sadhana and Surya Namaskar, this one resembles the pose of a hood raised snake or cobra. Bhujangasana impacts the toning of your abdomen, improving blood circulation and reduces stress.
How to do:
To do Bhujangasana, you should lie flat on your tummy on the floor with legs together. Keep your hands along the sides and your chin should touch the floor. Now when the movement starts, you should bring your arms forward straight way and also pull up the upper part of your body till you can. Put pressure on your hands and keep moving upward keeping your novel in direct contact with the floor. Go back to the first position from here and repeat. This one is very tiring and you should do till your body permits. Tree pose (Vrksasana)This balancing act yields results to your arms and thighs, if practiced over a long period of time. It might sound simple to do but to continue this for a long time is the challenge.
How to do:
Stand straight and put your entire balance on one of the legs, which you you feel is comfortable. Now life the other leg, bend it in a manner that you place its foot on the opposite inner thigh as close to the pelvis possible. Initially you might trip and fall to do this, but try holding your balance for longer span of time. Do not take support of another person, chair or furniture to do this yoga pose as it decreases its impact. Forward bending pose (Uttanasana)