Yoga poses are not just bending and folding the body in various ways. It is about maintaining the posture and keeping the body fit internally and externally. However, the multiple postures practised during yoga have different significance. Not all yogas are meant for everyone. There are many types of yoga, and all of those have different reciprocation. So while doing yoga poses, one should be very sure to understand the result they will get with it.
Heart patients are, however, mostly suggested to stay away from practising yoga. Well, there are a few of the easy yoga postures that they can practice without causing any trouble to their health. But mostly yoga is very beneficial and easy if practised under proper guidance. If someone can do yoga continuously for a specific time, they will definitely get the result. To better understand, we have discussed a few of the complex yet essential asanas every person should try and get its benefits.

Single Handed Tree Pose (Ek Hasta Vrksasana)-
This asana is all about balancing the body on the one hand. Yes, it is a challenging posture and thus requires lots of practice and time to make it perfect. If someone is thinking about trying out this pose, they must do it under expert supervision. This yoga is one of the most important ones and is a part of the 6th and 5th series of Ashtanga. Anyone who can nail this yoga posture would certainly gain mental focus, body strength and strong wrists. This would also help in maintaining the whole body balance perfectly.

Head to Foot Pose(Sirsa Padasana)-
For any back pain, shoulder and waist pain, this asana works perfectly. Practising this would not just help in keeping the body in balance but it will rectify the body posture as well. Besides, it also enhances mental focus and strengthens the muscular strength of the spine. The body of the person becomes flexible and cures the back pain gradually. However, people with no idea about the yoga position should join yoga classes and then practise it.

Wounded Peacock(Pungu Mayurasana)-
This position is also tricky, which resembles a peacock. However, the practitioner uses only one hand. This position enhances the digestive system and also helps in strengthening the arms muscles. As the pose requires the person to put the whole weight on the wrist, gradually, it strengthens the wrists. As pressure is applied to the arms, those also become stronger, and thus one can balance the entire body on the one hand.

Formidable Face Pose(Gandha Bherundasana)-
The yoga position in just a glance definitely appears to be extremely difficult, and it may not look like nearly any type of other asanas. But then, this is one of the famous asanas, which is known to be the most challenging yet beneficial for everyone. To carry out this yoga, one has to stretch and bend the body across the front side and hold the legs from behind. Then the head should be stretched out between the two legs, and the two hands should tightly hold the two legs. This way, maintaining the position for a particular time would intensify the body’s flexibility and remove any spinal pain. The yoga poses for men and women are hardly different from each other. However, as women’s bodies are more flexible, it is seen that women can perform these yoga poses easily, and the men take a bit longer to learn these.

Destroyer of the Universe Pose ( Kala Bhairavasana)-
Although this pose may look simple, it is actually not. However, compared to other mentioned poses, this is quite impressive and apparently not that difficult. For this pose, one needs to place one leg behind the head after balancing the body with one hand, and the other hand should be stretched out vertically just the opposite to the other one. To balance the body, one requires tenacity and athleticism. Practising this yoga improves mental focus and also enhances body flexibility.
However, these yoga poses could be challenging to try out for first-timers. There are multiple offline and online yoga classes that they can check and choose according to their requirement.