IIT Foundation Class 9 Physics
We will deal with Class 9 Physics in detail. No calculus, but vectors will be introduced. This will prepare you with all basic knowledge to build upon for class 11 Physics.
All 6 Physics chapters will be covered but focus will be on Mechanics (Motion, Laws of Motion, Fluids and Gravitation)
This is a tough course and only for top percentile students who plan to crack IIT JEE Advanced Exam. There will be an entrance exam to see if you will be able to comprehend the course.
You are expected to be very good in mathematics. You should have all formula till class 8 on your fingertips. You are also expected to complete class 9 and class 10 NCERT Maths book to excel in this course.
Max 7 students will be admitted and all queries will be resolved. Fees is 18,000 rupees. Classes will be online. There will be 12 chapter tests, 3 multi chapter tests and 3 full tests.
You can then proceed to IIT Foundation Class 10 Physics course after this.
There will 24 classes of 1.5 hours each.