When you are finally selected for the face to face round, it is obvious to get excited as well as nervous. Below tips can help you dealing with both and boosting your confidence.
1. Understand the requirement: Go through job description in details
2. Know the company: Reason for their existence, business model, profit and loss
3. Prepare in advance: Anticipate questions and prepare
4. Update your CV: Match the CV with Job Description and update accordingly
5. Be Punctual: Arrive much before the scheduled time
6. Dress up well: Focus on your attire, it must suit your attitude
7. Be Confident: Show the confidence in your body language
8. Be Honest: Lies will not save you longer. So be conscious
9. Body Language: Compliment it with your speech
10. Salary Negotiations: Be reasonable while negotiating
Following the above 10 rules will help you in nailing the interview easier.