Kaushik Soft Skills trainer in Visakhapatnam


Personality Development, Mentoring, Counselling, Guide

Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam, India - 530011.

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Hi Friends, I Strongly believe
" you are the creator of your destiny, all the power you r seeking from the external world already existing with in u. but it needs a spark to kindle it"
I am here to give u the spark which will change your life...
All skills are learnable completely.. and with in a short span of time..
My Personality Development Program involves 4 Breath Taking Topics:
1. Goal Setting ... U can't hit a target which u can't see.
2. who am I ... True image of self.. 1000 Miles Journey Starts with a single step.. Aware about self is important before worldly awareness
3. Time Management.. Time is most precious commodity in the world. U cant save it..But u can wisely use it for better future.
4. Positive Thinking... Positive attitude towards self and others amazingly gives immense pleasure.. and confidence which lead to success...

We r here to live a life which is worth living before and after death... That only possible by Right action at right time.

I am doing the personality development programs as passion to improve the lives of needy young and courageous girls and boys ..

I will guide u for excellence
Counsel u for better decision in life stages
Be a mentor for your personal endeavor
I Simply promising to change ur life in terms of achievement and happiness...

Now few details about me..
I Had masters in Computer Applications (MCA)
Masters in Psychology

Communication : English, Hindi, Telugu (fluency in all)

Languages Spoken





ANU 2016

Masters in Psychology


Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam, India - 530011

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Soft Skills Training Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Soft Skills Training Classes


Softskills Training Offered

Anger & Stress Management Training , Negotiation Skills Training , Team Building Training , Conflict Management, Management Training , Positive Thinking Training , Public Speaking Training , Motivational Training , Goal Setting Training , Dale Carnegie Training , NLP Training - Confidence Building , Time Management Training , Personal Effectiveness Training , Leadership Training , Behavioral Skills Training

Teaching Experience in detail in Soft Skills Training Classes

I am a life coach with 17 years of working experience. Masters in psychology, Masters in Philosophy, Masters in Computer Application, valuable experience in positive psychology, goal setting, time management. I am here to help the people 1. who want to be more and do more 2. Who think I born to do great things 3. Who want to achieve better goals 4. Who want to lead happy life 5. Who want to perform best 6. Who want guidance and counselling Life is one time opportunity. Live it. I will not change you, i improve you through self analysis and self actualization. Let me help you live limitless life.


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1. Which Softskills Training do you offer?

Anger & Stress Management Training , Negotiation Skills Training , Team Building Training and others

2. Which classes do you teach?

I teach Soft Skills Training Class.

3. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

4. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 17 years.

Answers by Kaushik (4)

Answered on 24/09/2016 Learn Language/Spoken English +1 Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personality Development Training

Hi Swati, U understand the weakness with in u, this is the major step to buildup better career. i like to be very specific about ur requirement. Confidence Building: (a) Accept ur self as u r..and appreciate ur self time and again (b) When u dealing with customers, Strongly tell ur self u r in the... ...more
Hi Swati, U understand the weakness with in u, this is the major step to buildup better career. i like to be very specific about ur requirement. Confidence Building: (a) Accept ur self as u r..and appreciate ur self time and again (b) When u dealing with customers, Strongly tell ur self u r in the right place with right tempo. Give /present every talent with in u. (c) Challenge your self every day to be better than yesterday. (d) Carry a smile.. Smile comforts most of the people in the world. Especially when u had nothing to carry forward. (e) Follow the best people in your company, how they r dressing, how they r speaking.. Just follow. Nest come to communication skills... (a) Communication Skills is verbal and non verbal. (b) Analyse ur self how much u r using verbal and how much non verbal. (c) Try to use the perfect mix of both.. Our PM uses better mix. (d) Listen to the people. Acknowledge their intentions also. (e) Speak to ur self in mirror. if u r baby stepping with communication. For more .. contact me
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Answered on 11/09/2016 Learn Beauty and Style/Personal Grooming +4 Personal Effectiveness Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personality Development Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personal Effectiveness Training

Hi friend, Our brain is just like a white paper... Our life is just a book of white papers.. U Can write any thing and every thing on it. If u dont put ur views on it, then u automatically copy from others book. .. which is not a good sign. Negative and positive thoughts are equally existing in our... ...more
Hi friend, Our brain is just like a white paper... Our life is just a book of white papers.. U Can write any thing and every thing on it. If u dont put ur views on it, then u automatically copy from others book. .. which is not a good sign. Negative and positive thoughts are equally existing in our mind. Few tips to be positive:- 1. Tell u r self, u can create ur own destiny 2. Have a realistic dream in life, Every day.. every minute work on it. 3. Remember the strengths with in u, simultaneously work to reduce weak ness. 4. Accompany ur self with positive thoughts and positive people. 5. Try to think positively in every instance.. It doesn't cost any thing 6. Every morning set a small goal and finish it by n8. 7. Forgive where ever, and when ever necessary very frequently. 8. Love ur self as u r..accept ur self. and move from there.. Practice and check ur self...All the best
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Answered on 31/08/2016 Learn Life Skills Coaching/Career Counselling

Thousand Mile of Journey starts with a Single Step... Career is a very broad achievement for a long time span.... SMART is most successful technique to build ur career Specific: Be specific about Career A specific goal will usually answer the five 'W' questions: What: What do I want to accomplish? ... ...more
Thousand Mile of Journey starts with a Single Step... Career is a very broad achievement for a long time span.... SMART is most successful technique to build ur career Specific: Be specific about Career A specific goal will usually answer the five 'W' questions: What: What do I want to accomplish? Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. Who: Who is involved? Where: Identify a location. Which: Identify requirements and constraints. Measurable: Ability measure ur progress on daily basis How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? ACHIEVABLE: An achievable goal will usually answer the question How? How can the goal be accomplished? How realistic is the goal based on other constraints RELEVANT: A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions: Does this seem worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match our other efforts/needs? Are you the right person? Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment? TIME BOUND... A goal is a useless goal if u dont put a time bound to it. A time-bound goal will usually answer the questions: When? What can I do six months from now? What can I do six weeks from now? What can I do today? .... For more specific suggestions kaushik4mentoring@gmail
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Answered on 31/08/2016 Learn Life Skills Coaching/Career Counselling

Hi Sruti, You are qualified in BE and Working in E-retail. So i guess, u joined it for early earning or just for the sake of Job. I really congratulate u for looking forward to progress in career as well as life. Few sincere questions you must answer your self to sustain the your career progress.... 1.... ...more
Hi Sruti, You are qualified in BE and Working in E-retail. So i guess, u joined it for early earning or just for the sake of Job. I really congratulate u for looking forward to progress in career as well as life. Few sincere questions you must answer your self to sustain the your career progress.... 1. R u happy with the job and salary? 2. With in 3 years, how u r skill set increased with respect to salary? 3. What all skills ur superiors in present company having...List it and compare with your own skills. 4. BE is very decent qualification to position yourself any where in the company. What is stopping u to move ahead? 5. Skill is the basic criteria in any company for promotion. What are the new skills u gained after joining Job.. That's a brief check for progress in the same company... Now your Second Question... Shall i move to tech Field... 1. R u happy with non tech work.. If not move to tech field. 2. Technical jobs are highly skill oriented. U should keep on appear for B E qualification Jobs. Upgrade u technical subject with time to time. 3. Does u ever knock the doors of any company for Job with ur qualification. They may not offer u a job but definitely tell u what they required. Go around 3-5 companies. Compile the Skill set they needed and work on it. Wish u all the best... If u Can't see a target.. U Can't Hit it. Set the target as soon as possible
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Soft Skills Training Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Soft Skills Training Classes


Softskills Training Offered

Anger & Stress Management Training , Negotiation Skills Training , Team Building Training , Conflict Management, Management Training , Positive Thinking Training , Public Speaking Training , Motivational Training , Goal Setting Training , Dale Carnegie Training , NLP Training - Confidence Building , Time Management Training , Personal Effectiveness Training , Leadership Training , Behavioral Skills Training

Teaching Experience in detail in Soft Skills Training Classes

I am a life coach with 17 years of working experience. Masters in psychology, Masters in Philosophy, Masters in Computer Application, valuable experience in positive psychology, goal setting, time management. I am here to help the people 1. who want to be more and do more 2. Who think I born to do great things 3. Who want to achieve better goals 4. Who want to lead happy life 5. Who want to perform best 6. Who want guidance and counselling Life is one time opportunity. Live it. I will not change you, i improve you through self analysis and self actualization. Let me help you live limitless life.

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Answers by Kaushik (4)

Answered on 24/09/2016 Learn Language/Spoken English +1 Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personality Development Training

Hi Swati, U understand the weakness with in u, this is the major step to buildup better career. i like to be very specific about ur requirement. Confidence Building: (a) Accept ur self as u r..and appreciate ur self time and again (b) When u dealing with customers, Strongly tell ur self u r in the... ...more
Hi Swati, U understand the weakness with in u, this is the major step to buildup better career. i like to be very specific about ur requirement. Confidence Building: (a) Accept ur self as u r..and appreciate ur self time and again (b) When u dealing with customers, Strongly tell ur self u r in the right place with right tempo. Give /present every talent with in u. (c) Challenge your self every day to be better than yesterday. (d) Carry a smile.. Smile comforts most of the people in the world. Especially when u had nothing to carry forward. (e) Follow the best people in your company, how they r dressing, how they r speaking.. Just follow. Nest come to communication skills... (a) Communication Skills is verbal and non verbal. (b) Analyse ur self how much u r using verbal and how much non verbal. (c) Try to use the perfect mix of both.. Our PM uses better mix. (d) Listen to the people. Acknowledge their intentions also. (e) Speak to ur self in mirror. if u r baby stepping with communication. For more .. contact me
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Answered on 11/09/2016 Learn Beauty and Style/Personal Grooming +4 Personal Effectiveness Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personality Development Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training Life Skills Coaching/Soft Skills Training/Personal Effectiveness Training

Hi friend, Our brain is just like a white paper... Our life is just a book of white papers.. U Can write any thing and every thing on it. If u dont put ur views on it, then u automatically copy from others book. .. which is not a good sign. Negative and positive thoughts are equally existing in our... ...more
Hi friend, Our brain is just like a white paper... Our life is just a book of white papers.. U Can write any thing and every thing on it. If u dont put ur views on it, then u automatically copy from others book. .. which is not a good sign. Negative and positive thoughts are equally existing in our mind. Few tips to be positive:- 1. Tell u r self, u can create ur own destiny 2. Have a realistic dream in life, Every day.. every minute work on it. 3. Remember the strengths with in u, simultaneously work to reduce weak ness. 4. Accompany ur self with positive thoughts and positive people. 5. Try to think positively in every instance.. It doesn't cost any thing 6. Every morning set a small goal and finish it by n8. 7. Forgive where ever, and when ever necessary very frequently. 8. Love ur self as u r..accept ur self. and move from there.. Practice and check ur self...All the best
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Answered on 31/08/2016 Learn Life Skills Coaching/Career Counselling

Thousand Mile of Journey starts with a Single Step... Career is a very broad achievement for a long time span.... SMART is most successful technique to build ur career Specific: Be specific about Career A specific goal will usually answer the five 'W' questions: What: What do I want to accomplish? ... ...more
Thousand Mile of Journey starts with a Single Step... Career is a very broad achievement for a long time span.... SMART is most successful technique to build ur career Specific: Be specific about Career A specific goal will usually answer the five 'W' questions: What: What do I want to accomplish? Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. Who: Who is involved? Where: Identify a location. Which: Identify requirements and constraints. Measurable: Ability measure ur progress on daily basis How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? ACHIEVABLE: An achievable goal will usually answer the question How? How can the goal be accomplished? How realistic is the goal based on other constraints RELEVANT: A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions: Does this seem worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match our other efforts/needs? Are you the right person? Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment? TIME BOUND... A goal is a useless goal if u dont put a time bound to it. A time-bound goal will usually answer the questions: When? What can I do six months from now? What can I do six weeks from now? What can I do today? .... For more specific suggestions kaushik4mentoring@gmail
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Answered on 31/08/2016 Learn Life Skills Coaching/Career Counselling

Hi Sruti, You are qualified in BE and Working in E-retail. So i guess, u joined it for early earning or just for the sake of Job. I really congratulate u for looking forward to progress in career as well as life. Few sincere questions you must answer your self to sustain the your career progress.... 1.... ...more
Hi Sruti, You are qualified in BE and Working in E-retail. So i guess, u joined it for early earning or just for the sake of Job. I really congratulate u for looking forward to progress in career as well as life. Few sincere questions you must answer your self to sustain the your career progress.... 1. R u happy with the job and salary? 2. With in 3 years, how u r skill set increased with respect to salary? 3. What all skills ur superiors in present company having...List it and compare with your own skills. 4. BE is very decent qualification to position yourself any where in the company. What is stopping u to move ahead? 5. Skill is the basic criteria in any company for promotion. What are the new skills u gained after joining Job.. That's a brief check for progress in the same company... Now your Second Question... Shall i move to tech Field... 1. R u happy with non tech work.. If not move to tech field. 2. Technical jobs are highly skill oriented. U should keep on appear for B E qualification Jobs. Upgrade u technical subject with time to time. 3. Does u ever knock the doors of any company for Job with ur qualification. They may not offer u a job but definitely tell u what they required. Go around 3-5 companies. Compile the Skill set they needed and work on it. Wish u all the best... If u Can't see a target.. U Can't Hit it. Set the target as soon as possible
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Kaushik describes himself as Personality Development, Mentoring, Counselling, Guide. He conducts classes in Soft Skills Training. Kaushik is located in Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam. Kaushik takes Online Classes- via online medium. He has 17 years of teaching experience . Kaushik has completed Masters in Psychology from ANU in 2016. HeĀ is well versed in Telugu, English and Hindi.


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