Address: HVF East , Avadi, Chennai - 600054
Locality: Avadi (Find more Avadi schools)
Landmark: Near Tank Police Station
Phone: +91-44-26360880
English Medium
Year Established: 1975
Extra-curricular Activities:
Cricket ,
Football ,
Baseball ,
Hand Ball ,
Karate .
Class Rooms
Admission Details:
1. The prospectus cum applicatoin form can be had from the school office from 15 june onwardson the payment of Rs. 50.00
2.Application form duly filled with copies of necessary certificates must be submitted to the school office within 7 days from the date of publication of the results.Issue of application forms,however does not guarentee admission.
3. Admissions to standard XI will be given on the basis of the erts and the groups will be alloted on the basis of the percentage of the marks scored in X standard Board Examination.
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