Address: 5-9-20, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500063
Locality: Saifabad (Find more Saifabad schools)
Phone: (040) 23237789
English Medium
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kavitha 09/01/2014
praveen 16/11/2013
ravinder reddy 23/10/2013
sonal mehta 17/12/2012
I am based in Hubli Karnataka,I am shifting to Hyderabad in May,My Son is in 6th grade studying in ICSE school in Hubli,He is good in Academics as well as in extra curricular activities,Please Let me know the admission procedure ,as i want him to join your school.
I will be gratefull to you ,thank you.
Preksha Jain 08/10/2012
Satyajeet Dubey 21/05/2012
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