Address: Ullal Road Cross, Ullal Upanagar , Jnana Bharathi, Bangalore - 560056
Locality: Bowring Institute (Find more Bowring Institute schools)
Landmark: Near Bangalore University Campus
English Medium
Vidyaniketan Public School an ISO 9001:2000 certified Institution is run by the Vidyaniketan Education and Cultural Trust. Since its inception in 1986, the Institution constantly strives to provide top quality education from prep-school to the Senior Secondary Level with a strong emphasis on the wisdom, values and grandeur of our country’s great cultural heritage as the basis for shaping them into responsible citizens with exceptional capabilities.
Admission Details:
The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi. Students are prepared for the AISSE –Class X examinations, and the Class XII Senior Secondary School Examinations. Admissions are open to all children irrespective of Caste, Religion, Race or Community. They will be admitted to the various classes depending upon their age and suitability to the class in accordance with the rules and regulations of CBSE.
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Upload it now!I have good acquaintance with Vidyaniketan Public School since 5 of my close relatives are studying in the same school. I commend the cultural values, and quality education imparted by the school to its students. Spacious campus, lab, computer section, and other amenities add good value to the overall mission of the shcool. I recommend and rate Vidyaniketan Public School as one of the top choices.
Shashidhar Kumble
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