Squares of numbers ending with 5
For all the 2 digits & 3 digits number ending in 5, we can calculate using
SubSutra : Antayordaske pi ( last totalling 10)
Meaning : The sum of the digits in units place is 10 & the digits in tens place is same
Method :
Example : Square of 65
Step 1 : Take square of 5 = 25
Step 2 : Take the digit in tens place & multiply it with its sucessor. In this case , the digit is 6, so 6×7 = 42
Step 3 : Ans from Step2/Ans from Step1 write it as mentioned : 42/25.The final answer is 4225
Let's take another example - Square of 195
Step1 : Square of 5 = 25
Step2 : 19×20 = 380
Step 3 : 380/25
The final answer is 38025
For Square of more than 3 digits we can use Squares by Base Method