Biosphere Reserves are unique areas dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity while also promoting sustainable development and research on ecological systems.
- Biosphere reserves are sites established by countries and recognised under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme to promote sustainable development based on local community efforts and sound science.
- These reserves comprise terrestrial, marine, and coastal ecosystems.
- The purpose of forming biosphere reserves is to conserve all forms of life in situ, along with their support systems, in totality. They serve as a referral system for monitoring and evaluating changes in natural ecosystems.
Biosphere reserves have three interrelated zones that aim to fulfil three complementary and mutually reinforcing functions:
- Core Area: This comprises a strictly protected ecosystem that contributes to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species, and genetic variation.
- Buffer Zone: Surrounding or adjoining the core areas, this zone is used for activities compatible with sound ecological practices, reinforcing scientific research, monitoring, training, and education.
- Transition Area: This part of the reserve allows for the greatest activity, fostering economic and human development that is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable.
- List of biosphere reserves of India :-
- 1 - Nokrek biosphere Reserve ( Meghalaya)
- 2- Nanda devi biosphere Reserve ( Uttarakhand)
- 3- Nilgiri biosphere reserve ( TamilNadu, Kerala and Karnataka)
- 4- Great Nicobar biosphere reserve( Adman and Nicobar)
- 5- Gulf of munnar biosphere reserve ( TamilNadu)
- 6- Manas biosphere reserve ( Assam)
- 7- Sunderban biosphere reserve ( West Bengal)
- 8- Panna biosphere reserve ( Madhya Pradesh)
- 9- Simlipal biosphere reserve ( Odisha)
- 10- Dibru saikhowa biosphere reserve ( Assam)
- 11- Dihang - dibang biosphere Reserve ( Arunachal Pradesh)
- 12- Panchmarhi biosphere reserve ( Madhya Pradesh)
- 13- Kanchenjunga biosphere reserve ( Sikkim)
- 14- Seshachalam hills biosphere reserve ( Andhra Pradesh)
- 15- Agasthamalai biosphere reserve ( Kerala and TamilNadu)
- 16- Cold desert biosphere reserve ( Himachal pradesh)
- 17- Kachcha biosphere reserve ( Gujarat)
- 18 - Achanakamar amarkantak biosphere reserve ( Madhya Pradesh)