This course helps students to start the understanding of Java programming languages includes all basics to advance level.
All the topics with proper theory & practicals will be covered.
Demo lecture also provided.
Java is a platform-independent programming language used to create secure and robust application that may run on a single computer or may be distributed among servers and clients over a network.
Java features such as platform-independency and portability ensure that while developing Java EE enterprise applications, you do not face the problems related to hardware , network , and the operating system.
Basics of Java
Java - What, Where and Why?
History and Features of Java
Internals of Java Program
Variable and Data Type
Unicode System
Naming Convention
OOPS Conecpts
Advantage of OOPs
Object and Class
Method Overloading
static variable,instance variable, method and block
this keyword
Inheritance (IS-A)
Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
Method Overriding, method overloading
super keyword
final keyword
Runtime Polymorphism
static and Dynamic binding
Abstract class and Interface
Package and Access Modifiers
Object class
Java Array
Call By Value and Call By Reference
strictfp keyword
Creating API Document
String Handling
what is string
Immutable String
String Comparison
String Concatenation
Methods of String class
StringBuffer class etc.