Communication: The word „Communication‟ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre, meaning „to share‟. Communication is the „sharing‟ of information between two or more individuals or within a group
to reach a common understanding.
Methods of Communication
There are different methods of communication, which include non-verbal, verbal and visual.
Verbal Communication: Verbal communication is the sharing of information by using words. Verbal
communication is important because if you do not use the right words, you will cause confusion and you will not be able to communicate what you want.
Type of Verbal Communication
Spoken Communication:
Communication which involves talking
Face-to-face conversation, Talking on a phone, Classroom teaching, business discussion and public speeches.
Written Communication:
Communication which involves written
or typed words. Writing letters, notes, email, SMS, etc.
Advantages of verbal communication: easy and quick, you can say what you want and get a quick
response, easier form to exchange ideas, changes are made as per other person‟s reply.
Disadvantages of verbal communication: cultural differences between the sender and receiver, use of different languages, inability to understand the phrases.
Non-verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication is to communicate without using any words. We send signals and messages to others, through expressions, gestures and body postures. In our day-to-day communication, it is observed that most of the communication is done using body movements (face, arms, movements, etc.) and voice control (voice, tone, pauses, etc.).
Importance of non-verbal communication: makes our message stronger, using the right gestures while speaking makes our message more effective.
Types of Non-verbal Communication:
Visual communication: Another important method of communication is visual communication, which
involves sending and understanding messages only through images or pictures. The main advantage of this type of communication is that you do not need to know any particular language for understanding it.