दीर्घ संधि की परिभाषा
जब दो शब्दों की संधि करते समय (अ, आ) के साथ (अ, आ) हो तो ‘आ‘ बनता है, जब (इ, ई) के साथ (इ, ई) हो तो ‘ई‘ बनता है, जब (उ, ऊ) के साथ (उ, ऊ) हो तो ‘ऊ‘...
Movement of any object from one position to another with respect to an observer is known as Motion.
Position – Motion of any object is defined by its position with respect to the observer. Position...
Key is a taxonomical aid that helps in identification of plant and animal species. These keys are based on similarities and dissimilarities in characters, generally in a pair called couplet.
Each statement...
First law:
In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force.
Second law:
In an inertial reference...