(ii) Plane Turning: It is an operation of removing excess amount of material from the surface the surface of the cylinder work piece. In this operation, shown in fig., the work is held either in the chuck or between centers & the longitudinal feed is given to the tool either by hand or power.

(iii) Step Turning: It is an operation of producing various steps of different diameters of in the work piece as shown in fig. This operation is carried out in the similar way as plain turning.

(iv) Drilling: It is an operation of making a hole in a work piece with the help of a drill. In this case as shown in fig., the work piece, by rotating the tail stock hand wheel. The drill is fed normally, into the rotating work piece, by rotating the tail stock hand wheel.

(v) Reaming: It is an operation of finis hing the previously drilled hole. In the operation as shown in fig., a reamer is held in the tailstock and it is fed into the hole in the similar way as for drilling.