Introduction to programming Languages , Downloading Python and Pycharm - IDE and setting
the Python.
Variables,using type() method , comments in python , using input method to read data ,
setting environment variable.
Basics of Strings , string functions , Operators in python.
Basics of List, indexing, using range in a list,, using negative index, adding items ,
iterating through the List items
Tuples : Basics , creating and accessing , iteration through tuple , concatenation of
tuples and list , unpacking a tuple
Creating and accessing sets , using add and update methods, remove item, membership test
Dictionaries , control statements ( if , else , elif ladder) Loop statements , loop with
string, continue,nested loop, switch statement.
string Modulo operator, format() method, regular expressions, Dealing with dates and
time, functions , passing arguments to function , LAMBDA fuction, Namespace.
Object oriented in python, constructor, data and function hiding,static attributes,
modifying and deleting properties , operator overloading,inhertance , constructors in
inheritance, modules, exception handling, file handling, Database programming.