In every Business, there is a concept that buys at a low price or wholesale price and sells at a higher price or retail price. Same way whether we are going to purchase some stock or a commodity we must know about the stock fair valuation and future business. If every fundamental goes very well on the particular stock or commodity we must say at a cheaper price we can buy for the long term. Oppositely also true expensive stock or commodity can give stable return like gold, silver because there fundamental is very much strong. So as Fundamental analysts we can judge the good or bad things about the news conclude about the sentiment. But can not decide where to buy or where to sell in the market. In this particular area, we can take advantage of the technical chart. we can really find the area where institutional buying and selling happens. See the most amazing example of demand. Where we can see with low risk the professionals are re-entering in the market where the professionals traded once before. Thus, The market is very much simple if you know the thing then the rest will be easy.