INVESTING in can probably be more rewarding than you can imagine and certainly very exciting! World over the wealthiest people are those who have invested wisely. If you are scared to take the plunge,...
Stock market is like ocean and if know how to sail throh it chances of suceeding is more, lot of people are really making good return while others are failing to. The only way you can aproach market...
Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself first as Nishant Jumle and i am a full time trader. I am in stock market from last 3 years+ and i have very well teaching experience of 1 and a half year,...
Lagging indicators Lagging indicators are mostly derived using an average of previous price action data. So think of moving averages indicators as you feel about Lagging indicators, for example- Simple...
Always go with the Higher Time frame Trend, 50 Day SMA will help you analyse whther a Stock is in Uptrend , Sideways or Downtrend. Never try to against a Trend. Use Strategy of Buy on Dips in a Uptrend...