Address: St. Vincets Road , Shivaji Market, Pune - 411001
Locality: Camp (Find more Camp schools)
Phone: 020-26352135
English Medium
St. Vincent's School is an English Medium School for boys founded in 1867 and named after Vincent de Paul , a 17th century saint well known for his love for the poor and the downtrodden. The School, which is recognised by the Government of Maharashtra and prepares pupils for the Secondary School Certificate Examination (Std. X) and for the Higher Secondary Certificate examination (Std. XII), is owned by the Poona Catholic educational Association (Pvt.) Ltd. and managed by the Poona Jesuit School's Society , which belong to the Christian Religious Minority group and therefore enjoy the rights and privileges guaranteed by Article 30 (I) of the constitution of India.
Year Established: 1867
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