Address: 121, 3rd Cross , J.P. Nagar 3rd Phase, Bangalore - 560078
Locality: J P Nagar (Find more J P Nagar schools)
Landmark: Opposite Shiva Bala Yogi Ashram
Phone: +91-80-26582710 +91-80-26584619
English Medium
Set up in the year 1983, this school operates as per all the three boards - SSLC, ISCE and CBSE. The school conducts classes from nursery up to 12th standard. They also have a pre-university college on campus close to the senior school block. The school is equipped with library, computer laboratories, auditorium, audio-visual rooms, canteen and a basketball court.
Year Established: 1983
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Upload it now!This is a review for the Primary school, consisting of Pre-KG, Prep I and Prep II.
My Son is there in this school since Pre-KG and is in Prep ii (UKG) now.
The school has given very strong fundamentals in-terms of exposure to oral and writing of English, Math and Language.
Though their exposure to extracurricular seems limited, I guess it was ok for this age.
They have weekly dance and PT. They have regular events like fancy dress & 2 field trips a year.
Most festivals and national events (like Aug 15, Oct 2nd etc) are celebrated & children are taught the purpose.
The teachers make the kids comfortable are approachable and responsive.
The area of improvement for them could be in terms of infrastructure using technology like internet for school activities
Overall I am happy with school so far and my sons also seems to enjoy school.
I am rating the school 3 stars, because I dont know much yet. We took out kid for interview for Pre-KG and the process was smooth. The lady did not question the child other than to ask her name. She said that is all they needed to know. Whether the child can hear, speak and understand.
The school library was small but neat. They have a sandy playground without trees. It seemed too hot for play during summer. I havent checked other areas but have heard good feedback. Fees this year is
Rs.30,000 - Admission Fee
Rs.12,000 - Annual Fee (every year)
Rs.10,800 per term (3 terms)
Books, uniform, transportation are additional
Admissions have started from Mid August. Seats are still available. Child with both the parents will be interviewed. I got admission for my daughter to preKG this year to this school. This school has a very good academic record.
Fees stucture for 2012-2013 is as follows
One time Admission Fees: Rs.50000 \-
Quaterly fees: Rs12000\- - three times a year
Transportatio, Bools, Uniform - extra
Admission process has started for 2013-2014, they have started issuing application forms. My son is studying in pre KG and I am fully satisfied.
I Like the school but only concern about the ground...the management should do some thing about the studies is important also games are important for there health..
I do agree with Priya... they dont have a ground which is very much necessary for kids.
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Nikash 24/06/2016
Himanshu 21/06/2016
Kaf 18/01/2015
Midde 15/01/2015
Midde 15/01/2015
Jyothi 22/10/2014
Anjum 23/07/2014
sunethra 19/06/2014
The school is having a good reputation . But before, it gets spoiled by one of the English teacher (Mr.Ray), could the authorities look after this? He says (1) st. paul is one of the worst school he has ever seen; (2) many students are mentals... - he is announcing in class.... many more which I hate to write on this forum.
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