Address: Urli Devachi,Off Handewadi Road, , Haveli,Pune, Pune
Locality: Hadapsar (Find more Hadapsar schools)
Landmark: Off Kondhwa Saswad Rd
Phone: 020-26855574/26855274 8888817605/9822845910
English Medium
Start at Pre-Nur - Class X .School has recently received permission to upgrade to +2.New campus at Urli Devachi has large football ,cricket grounds etc.
School timings: 7.15 -1.40
Principal: Dr(Mrs)O Mathews
Year Established: 2000
Extra-curricular Activities:
Football,Cricket,Karate, Kho-Kho, Basketball,Atheletics,Elocution,Quiz,
Drawing,Choir,Dance etc
3.acre campus with football ground, basketball court etc
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Ashok 13/11/2014
Atiur 20/08/2014
Suraj Naik 07/07/2014
Sujata Pardeshi 07/07/2014
Mrs Sudha Puri 21/05/2014
Mrs Sudha Puri 21/05/2014
soumya shetty 02/03/2014
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