Everyone wants to be successful in life, but not many are aware of what success really is. Tough situations arise in every business, every organization, and you need skills to handle them. These...
Take a plate with water, then put a copper coin in it. Then take green candle, light the candle, drip melted wax of the candle in water on the coin. Say a prayer:- As a softinto a hardvis turend, so my...
What is Spirituality? What is Spirituality? Becoming life sensitive. Expanding Consciousness Being Aware Becoming aesthetic (Finding beauty everywhere) In search of peace of mind Transcending...
We start communicating from the instant we take our first breath. Our first cry is a communication to our mother, and to the world, that we have arrived. And till our last breath, we are in constant communication. Yet,...
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a technology developed by Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder in 1970 in California University Santacruz. Neuro: Nervous System through which experience is received...