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STOP WORRYING and START LIVING (A Scientific Approach)

Gopalakrishnan T
02/02/2019 0 0


Many physical problems have its root in mind. Unfortunately, we are unable to recognise and understand when it begins in origin. The psychological difficulties activate the Endocrine glands through the nervous system, whereby the chemicals are induced into the blood and manifest themselves into physical problems. The reason why many of our diseases do not have the complete cure is that the treatment is given to the effect in the body but not to the cause in mind.

The manure is to be given to the root (is unseen) of any tree (seen) for its healthy and fruitful functioning.

MIND is the ROOT and BODY is the TREE.

MIND is the software, and the BODY is the hardware.

The Clarity, Courage and Confidence in all parts of your life flowers without any struggle from our side. We can reach the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible and will be free from worries forever. The liberation happens in our system is priceless.

No practice of yoga, meditation or any other technique required to liberate yourself from these problems. Just intellectual (Logical) understanding is sufficient to begin the healing processes within our system (mind and body), and difficulties vanish in due course.

Being a soft skill trainer, I have had the opportunity to interact with many people from different walks of life. Some of the main challenges thrown up by the present day of life as described by the participants are

    Painful memories (WORRY).
    Blood Pressure (BP) and heart diseases
    Expectation failure
    SLEEP disturbed - Insomnia
    Addiction etc

The simple understanding of mind, Thought and Thinking, eliminates not only the problems mentioned above but also restore the deteriorated physical health.

What is worry

We need to analyse and accept the fact that Irrespective of countries, cultures, financial statuses, social statuses, age, experience, and anything else, we all have one thing common and that is the worry.

The idea of EQUAL creates ALL problems. We are neither equal nor have been designed to achieve equality. We are UNIQUE. The fingerprint of every individual is unique, and it does not match anybody in this world, the same way our mind also UNIQUE.

People have worries related to health, wealth, money, name, fame, status and many more. The problems may be due to someone married, other not married, two children, no children, not studying well, spouse, superior, and subordinates etc. If we try to list out the reasons for worries, it becomes endless. What is problematic for a person may not be a problem for others.

Worry is the inner CD (Compact Disk) with scratch continually running, and we are unable to come out of it. It is nothing but the painful memory of the completed events where we do not have power or role to play because the past is already dead. If the past incidents were joyful, we think about them and cherish. Whether cherishing or worrying, thinking is the standard aspect between these two. Thinking will have much more impact on our psychological and physical system than the thoughts.

Sitting in the office and worrying we call it as WORK, sitting in the home and worrying we call it as HOMEWORK, sitting in the beach and worrying we call it as VACATION. Worry has become our nature, only the location changes.

Topic: Subordinate and Boss

An employee attended a meeting without switching off his mobile which is against the rule of that organisation. While the conference is ongoing, his phone rang and immediately he switched off the mobile without attending the phone call. Unfortunately, his superior noticed this and transferred the employee to another location as a punishment for not switching off the mobile. The employee felt the punishment as too harsh. Instead the superior might have warned, advised, or given a memo considering it as human error. The thoughts were coming up again and again, and he was unable to come out of the problem. The employee felt insulted, angry, unable to sleep, and unable to take revenge.

He approached an Enlightened Master. Let us discuss and analysis in the form of a dialogue between the Master and Employee to understand THOUGHT and THINKING. The solution provided by the Master not only resolves the minor and boss issue and ALL interrelationship problems (Husband & Wife) (Parents & Children) (Teacher & Student) in our life.

Employee: Master, how can I come out of this problem?

Master: The thoughts related to punishment is brought by you, or it comes automatically?

Employee: I do not bring the thought; in fact, I do not want them; then why should I bring it?

Master: THOUGHTS are automatic process inside our system, and nobody can bring a thought according to his will. There are many automatic functions within our system like a heartbeat, breathing, liver function, kidney function etc. Opinions are also one among them where we do not have control, either to bring or stop.

Employee: Do you mean to say, that the suffering will continue forever?

Master: No, it will disappear if you understand THINKING.

Employee: Can you explain the difference between thought and thinking?

Master: Any thought raises in our system is automatic, and when we are aware of the idea, it is already dead, meaning powerless. If we take the view (dead), we give life to it and making it as compelling. When we received the notion, the idea becomes thinking which is in our hands, voluntary activity, and conscious action by us. If you do not accept, it will disappear in a few seconds.

We did not create these thoughts ourselves; they came on their own. These thoughts that occurred on their own will also die down on their own because the lifetime of every unconscious thought is just a fraction of a second only.

Your renewal to the thought is the PROBLEM.

Employee: What is meant by RENEWAL?

Master: When unconscious thought arises, you are riding on it and is renewal. There is still water in a vessel, and somebody touches on top of the water, what will happen?

Employee: Ripples (waves) will be created in the water.

Master: Now to stop these ripples, Can we shake the vessel or again touch the water?

Employee: No, it will create more ripples.

Master: What should we do?

Employee: We should not do anything and need to wait for sometime to settle down.

Master:  You are right. Again touching the water only, I call it a RENEWAL. In the case of mind, you renew the thought by your conscious involvement (thinking) and disturb the settling.

Employee: You mean, I should not convert into thinking, and if there is thinking, I should drop it.

Master: Yes, thoughts are as if smoke coming out of incense and they vanish automatically within a fraction of a second. Once converted into thinking, it revolves around us, and we need to come out or get down of it. Now, you have to step back, drop your contribution and allow it to flow naturally.

Employee: How do I believe that they disappear within a fraction of second?

Master: Neither Doubt nor faith will help us. You can check in your life.

Master: How many senses are there for a human being?

Employee: Six.

Master: What are these senses and related organs?

Employee: Sound (Ears), touch(Body), Light(Eyes), Taste(Tongue), Smell(Nose) and Mind.

Master: You are right, and mind is also working like all other senses.

Employee: I do not understand.

Master: Let us take an example related to the tongue. You ate a sweet, and your tongue feels the sweetness. How long the sweetness stays in the language.

Employee: Few seconds, and then the sweetness disappears.

Master: Do you remove the sweetness from the tongue?

Employee: No, it goes automatically.

Master: When you eat an item of bitterness (which you don’t like), will it be the same?

Employee: Yes, it leaves from the tongue within few seconds.

Master: Whether sweet or bitter the tongue does its job perfectly. Unfortunately, when there is bitterness, you try to remove the taste of pain is the problem. Is it possible to remove?

Employee: No.

Master: In the case of mind, when the experience is terrible, you try to remove is the problem. If you do not involve, it merely disappears like how it happens in the case of the tongue.

Master: Another example, a bird is singing and you hear a sound. It stopped singing, does the singing continue in your ears?

Employee: No. the sound disappears once the bird stopped singing.

Master: If you do not hear the sound, the ear has some problem. If the music does not leave from ears, then also the listener has become faulty.

Employee: You mean after this understanding also thoughts will come?

Master: Yes, thoughts are not in our control at all. They come and disappear like all other senses. You need not to do anything to remove them. If required, we can use these thoughts to the external world by converting them into thinking.

Employee: External world?

Master: Without thoughts, we cannot function in this world. Ideas are there to help us to perform our duties in the physical (external) world.

Employee: Do my worries vanish immediately?

Master: Assume, now the frequency is ten Thoughts Per Second (TPS). It becomes 5TPS, then 1TPS, one thought in ten minutes etc., and within a few days, it will disappear. The number of thoughts and disappearance is based on the Intensity of the problem in your life.

Employee: What is meant by Intensity?

Master: One-week problems may disappear in one hour, One-month problems vanish in one day, One-year problems may take one week to disappear etc

Employee: “Do not convert any thoughts into thinking” Can I follow the same approach for ALL problems come across in my life?

Master: Did you accept the transfer and decided to shift your location?

Employee: Yes.

Master: Then no need to convert the thoughts related to punishment into thinking.

Employee:  I do not accept the punishment? Then.

Master: Then thinking is necessary like, can we approach the highest authority in the organisation to cancel the transfer, whom to contact, whether the legal approach is right etc.

Meaning when you want to act in the external world in connection with the thought, thinking is essential, and you should think and do the right action.

Employee: Can you give another example?

Master: A newly purchased vehicle, not registered, not insured, and destroyed due to lightning. Naturally, we will be disturbed because of this, but we cannot do anything in the outer world for this, like complaining to police and claiming the insurance etc.

Master: If our vehicle is missing, then we should inform the police about the theft, notify the insurance agency etc. Where thinking is necessary, and we should think and act. Once these activities (in the external world) are completed, then also thought regarding the theft may come and is inevitable but we need not convert them into thinking later.

Whether we get back the vehicle or not, is not in our hands and the result may be positive or negative.

Employee: You mean, thoughts are automatic, and we can convert them into thinking only when there is work or action in the external world. Otherwise, leave IT.

Master: Yes, You are RIGHT.

Employee: Sometimes, by mistake, if my thought becomes thinking.

Master: By mistake, because of our habits pattern, if you are worrying (converted into thinking), the moment you realise, get down and do not feel guilty because of it. Unconsciously if you have turned into thinking, you are not responsible for that.

Employee: Unconscious actions done by me where “I am not responsible for that”. How?

Master: You do not want to enter the gate of someone’s house. Few people tied and thrown you inside that gate, which is not done by you. ALL your unconscious actions are exactly like this. Consciously you should not do it, that’s all.

Employee: I feel light.

Master: When the suffering (load on you) leaves your system, the lightness is felt. It is the confirmation that you have understood in the right way, and the understanding will never move out of your system and guide throughout life.

Employee: Thank you, MASTER.

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