The answer to get happiness always lies within you. You may find lots of videos & inspirational speeches regarding happiness in youtube or other sites but true happiness can always be found within yourself.
The simple questions in our mind, "Why I can't smile like others?", "Why I'm not happy like others?", depression always arise whenever our expectations fail to meet the ends. Right? So what if we don't expect anything but keep our hope alive? Isn't it simple?
Hope is what we all need to survive but expectations are enough to kill ourselves everyday.
The magic lies in accepting the current situation, being satisfied with what you have & keeping the hope of a great future alive.
Today when you opened your eyes after a long goodnight sleep, someone else was taking his or her last breathe. So be thankful to this day rather than worrying about the past or the future. We all know that yesterday will never come back, tomorrow will never be your present, so what you have is your today. Create a beautiful today & hope for a wonderful tomorrow.
Always keep this in mind, if you are going through a bad situation, someone else is going through worse. Everyone of us is going through some or the other problems but the trick lies in how we all are handling those situations.
Chasing happiness is like chasing wind. You will never be able to catch it rather let it come to you of its own. Work for your dreams, keep your hope alive, help each other, care for each other & happiness will chase you one day.
Remember money can never buy you happiness.
Thanks to all my loving friends.