Address: No. 15, Padmanabha Nagar , Adyar, Chennai - 600020
Locality: Adyar (Find more Adyar schools)
Phone: 044-24912652 044-24466788
Year Established: 1972
The school has a state of the art Library with a Multimedia Section and Audiovisual Room. There are fully equipped Laboratories for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. To stimulate the minds of younger children, there is a separate Junior Science Lab. There is also a specialized Art Department.
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We registered for my kid in the year 2009 (it was said confirmed seat - while registering), admission for the AY year 2014
admission started last month Nov'13
we booked online appointment and met the management on 27th Nov'13
they told us admissions are closed & suggested to check again in the month of Jan'14
also told us to try in some other schools
they disappointet us, it was our four dream got shuttered on 27th Nov'13
Sishya is a haven for all the celebrities in the area to whom obviously they can't refuse admissions. And on top of it, its a Christian minority institution so obviously they give priority to people of Christian faith. I have seen parents standing with all kinds of reference letters and influential people escorting them to the interviews. All the talk about transparency and fairness in the admission process is just a smokescreen. Maybe 25% of their seats go to general public.
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