Address: #80 Brindavan Street , West Mambalam , Chennai - 600033
Locality: West Mambalam (Find more West Mambalam schools)
Landmark: Near Duraisamy Subway
Phone: +91-44-24812044
English Medium
School timings: 8.15 am to 3.30 pm
Year Established: 1977
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Computer lab, Science lab, Play Ground, Dance class, music class, karate, yoga.
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Upload it now!BS Mootha is not suitable for higher classes. It is a school that has no focus towards grooming children for higher education. I expected that atleast from 9th std onwards they will take academics seriously but it appears they are grooming up girls to become house wives. I know children studying in 9th and 11th and the incidents that they narrate about the misfunction of the scool is apalling
Out of 9 periods 5 - 7 periods will be "Free periods": most of the days. Either the teachers wont turn up or they will come to class and sit idle. And it will be "free for all" for the girls. Like a fish market the class room will be noisy - the girls will be shouting and playing, hitting each other jumping from one bench to another . Suitable for playful girls who are going to marry a wealth groom and settle not for studious girls who want to make an impact in their life.
The school is strict if ribbon is not the right color, coming on time etc, , wrong uniform , mobile phones in bags etc but the same strictness they do not show towards their teachers to ensure that they come to class , teach, revise and engage with the students. The principal never comes on rounds, does surprise checks in class rooms whether the teacher is teaching , whether students are quite etc
The teachers and the ayah are equally also rude, they don't handle children gently. The only way to show their unhappiness is by shouting and calling the parents. It appears they have not been trained in handling teen girls.
Yes, fees is cheap, but the quality of education is also cheap.
If your child is approaching higher classes, better look around for a better school
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Saravanan 12/01/2015
Anu 21/03/2014
Thiyagarajan 11/02/2014
Shobana aravindan 20/12/2013
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