I have designed this 2 hrs course just to boost you enough and shake your veins from inside out so that you can know your potential and act upon. In case you don't feel that is worth, I will return your money immediately.
The course is about providing the pathways to your needs. I will understand your needs in IT career. I have designed the 2 hours course with the following outlines:
1. Introduction about you and me to know about your career needs and letting you know about myself. In case, your needs don't correspond to what I can provide, I will return your money immediately and will advise you as per best of my knowledge ending on a good note for your future.
2. Before moving to fulfill your IT needs, there is a huge demand of motivation why to do it. Hence, I will introduce you to some good speakers to follow and the best books to shake you from inside to do something in life.
3. I will then introduce to kinds of softwares and some companies so that you can get a knowledge to align yourself towards a goal.
4. Finally, I will showcase and setup your career goals to move forward in software line. If you end up decide to come in Programming/.NET/C#/Python/JavaScript full stack etc., I will show you the plan further and my teaching style for various other courses.
Make sure if you take this course, you are damn serious about one thing - LEARN to EARN well.