Address: #18 School Road , Anna Nagar West Extension , Chennai - 600101
Locality: Anna Nagar West (Find more Anna Nagar West schools)
Landmark: Near Anna Nagar V5 Police Station
Phone: +91-44-26151165, +91-44-26152893, +91-44-26151145
English Medium
SBOA School & Junior college caters to students aspiring to study in CBSE stream. We provide quality education and all round development to our students .It is a co-educational school serving 9960 children from LKG to Std XII. The medium of instruction is English.
S.B.O.A School & Junior College was started on 6th June 1979 to synchronise with the International Year Of The Child. It is managed by the State Bank of India Officers Association , Chennai Circle.
School timings: LKG - Std V -9.00 a.m to 12.00 noon, Std VI - XII - 8.40 a.m to 12.00 noon,
Year Established: 1979
Admission Details:
Fresh admissions are normally made only for LKG and Std XI. However, the school may admit the boys and girls in other classes also if there are vacancies. Selections are made through an entrance examination. Preference in admission is given to the children of SBI officers. The registration of the application form does not carry any guarantee of admission.
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