- D-Click on SAP HANA Studio from the desktop.
- Use the login your user name and password which you got from the system adminstrator.
- Once login in to HANA system.
- Click on Add System if need to add first time, click on logon enter user and password.
- You will get Immediately 3 panels: to the left side first see for " NAVIGATOR PANEL' to the right side of the Navigator pane you can find ' Quick launch panel" and below the Navigaor panel at the bottom of the left side corner you can find 'Where Used list" panel.
- When you can see components such as " CATALOG', BACK UP' Security, Content from the NAVIGATOR.
- CATALOG contains the shcemas or the list of shcemas in hierarchical manner.
- We can create a shcema there.
- Under the catalog>Shcemas>You can find Column views, Functions, Indexes, procedures, Tables etc.
- We can load the data into Tables.
- We can define the joins in the tables.
- Then you can find content folder>You can define the Packages there. Packages you can refer like in BW, we call it as Info Area, like in BODS we have Project Area.
- You can define Attribute views, Analytical views, Calculation views.