Address: Tiwai Hill,, Pune - 410513
Locality: Rajgurunagar (Find more Rajgurunagar schools)
Phone: 91-2135-325582 91-2135-288442
Nestled amidst the Sahyadri hills and overlooking the picturesque valley of the Bhima river, Sahyadri School is situated about 70 km from Pune.The principal is Mr Shailesh Shirali and the school is upto grade XII
Principal: Mr.Amresh Kumar
Year Established: 1900
• Library
• Laboratories
• Computer facilities
• Audio-visual equipment"
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Gopeshwar singh 16/03/2017
Deepak 02/11/2014
bhushan singh 12/07/2014
Darshan Bhegade 27/06/2014
prasana kabra 30/04/2014
vimla narang 26/04/2014
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