Address: Plot No. 31 & 32 , Bala Nagar, Hyderabad - 500037
Locality: Balanagar (Find more Balanagar schools)
Landmark: Opposite IDPL R&D Centre
Phone: +91-40-39137900, 040-39137908 +91-9346008803, 9346008802
English Medium
Radcliffe School promises to deliver quality education with an emphasis on a deep rooted value system. Here, our education is aimed at nurturing the children’s intellect and supporting their emotional, moral and spiritual well-being.
Computer labs
Admission Details:
The Prospectus along with the Registration Form can be procured from the Admissions Office on cash payment of Rs 500.
Duly filled in Registration Form along with attested photocopies of the requisite documents must be submitted at the Admissions Office by the given date.
Cross checking of the documents will be done by the Admissions Office. This will be followed by a meeting with the Principal.
For the child’s admission, both the parents will have to attend an interactive session with the Principal whereas for Class II & above the child also needs to attend the session.
Once the admission is confirmed, the parents will complete other admission related formalities.
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