- Option pricing fundamentals: Greeks: The Black & Scholes Model, Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma, IV
- Option Implied Volatility Analytics, and IV spread projection
- Live Delta hedging systems and Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma significance on profit loss
- Short Gamma Position creation, option strike selection, gamma management
- Implied volatility average, minimum and maximum range calculations and IV Trading Systems
- Option calculator and Trading software- ODIN Software
- IV skew positions – Live position management
- When to enter into the spread, when to strike shift of spread and when to exit from the spread
- Hedging Position making software for Real-time sums of options – BlissCalc Software
- Market Macros impact
- VIX, Sectors, Monetary policy, FED, GDP and inflation data, Market cap
- Company result impact, currency and crude impact,
- World economy and indices, FII/DII behaviors analysis
- Margin and interest calculation