Ishant Agarwal BBA Tuition trainer in Pune

Ishant Agarwal

IT profession with 6 years of experience. Completed MBA from Welingkar, Mumbai & BTech from Roorkee

Wadgaon Sheri, Pune, India - 411014.


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I am an IT professional with 6 years of experience in personal finance and investing. I like to teach people about finance and related subjects. I am an MBA and B.Tech with Honors in Computer Science.

Languages Spoken

Hindi Mother Tongue (Native)

English Proficient


UTU 2014

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

Welingkar Institute of Management 2019

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)


Wadgaon Sheri, Pune, India - 411014

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BBA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BBA Tuition


BBA Subject

Taxation, Business Organization and Environment, Corporate Accounting, Materials Management, Business Research Methods, Micro and Macro Economics, Human Resource Management, Environmental Studies, Organizational Behavior, E-Business, Environmental Management & Corporate Social Responsibility, Fundamentals of Accounting, Environmental Management & Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Management, English, Marketing Management, Business communication, Management Information System, Corporate Environment, Strategic Management, Computer Applications in Business, Business Ethics & Corporate governance, Investment Management, Project Management, Production and Operations Management, Soft Skills for Business, Auditing, Marketing, Business Regulations, Entrepreneurial Management, Management Process, Quantitative Methods for Business, Services Management, Banking Regulations & Operations, International Business

Experience in School or College

I am fond of teaching and sharing knowledge from school days. I gave many seminars and personally taught students and colleagues.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BCA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCA Tuition


Experience in School or College

I have taught many students and colleagues in school as well as in college. I have also given many seminars in my professional career.

BCA Subject

Business Communication , Unix Shell programming, IT, Computer Networks , Database Management Systems , Financial Accounting and Management, Computer Basics and PC Software , Data and File Structures , Computer Architecture, Java Programming, Object Oriented Technologies, Communication Skills , Business Organization , Software Engineering , Systems Analysis and Design , Digital Electronics, E-Commerce , Web Programming, Problem Solving and Programming , Algorithm Design , Data Communication and Networks, Cryptography and Network Security, Visual Programing, Data structures

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BA Tuition


BA Humanities Subjects

Psychology, History, Religious Education, Sociology, Law, Government and Politics, Geography

Field tutored for

Multi-Media and Mass Communication, Sociology, Geography, English, Hindi, Journalism, Political science, Psychology, Computer Science, Philosophy, History, Economics, Humanities

BA Computer Science Subjects

Software Engineering, Internet Technologies, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Theory of Computation, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Programming Fundamentals using C++, Database Management Systems, Programming in JAVA, Computer System Architecture, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence

BA Multi Media and Mass Communication Subjects

Camera and Editing for TV, Social Media, Communication & Disaster Management, Television Journalism, Photography, Reporting and Anchoring, English Communication, Communicatio n for Special Needs, Print Media Production, Communication, Media and Society, Communicatio n and the Plastic Arts, Radio Production, Advertisement and Media, Development Communication, Media Moments in History, Integrated Marketing Communication, Introduction to Journalism, Public Service Broadcasting, Global Politics and Media, Graphic Designing &Visual Images, Environmental Science, Fashion Communication, Communication Research, Exploring Hindi Cinema, Documentary, Theatre and Communication

BA Journalism Subjects

Global media and Politics, Development Communication, Communication Research and Methods, Media and Cultural Studies, Introduction to new media, Introduction to Broadcast Media, Introduction to Journalism, Advanced New Media, Media Ethics and the law, Introduction to Media and Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Reporting and Editing for Print, Advanced Broadcast Media, History of the Media

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School as well as during college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have also given seminars on finance and investing during my professional career. I have total experience of close to 6 years and currently working as a software developer in Pune.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BA English Subjects

Science fiction and Detective Literature, Language, Literature and Culture, Soft Skills, Business Communication, Indian Classical Literature, Popular Literature, Environmental Study

BA Psychology Subjects

Psychology of Individual Differences, Positive Psychology, Effective Decision Making, Biopsychology, Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders, Psychological Research, Psychological Perspectives In Education, Stress Management, Youth Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Organizational Behavior, Selection & Training, Psychology For Health And Well-Being, Psychology And Media, General Psychology, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Personal Growth And Development, Development of Psychological Thought, Psychology Of Disability, Health Psychology, Psychology At Work, Community Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology Of Peace, Psychological Skills In Organizations, Counseling Psychology, Cultural And Indigenous Psychology, Youth, Gender And Identity, Emotional Intelligence, Educational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Inter-Group Relations

BA Economics Subjects

Mathematical Methods for Economics, Money and Financial Markets, Public Economics, Environmental Economics, Indian Economy, Applied Econometrics, Comparative Economic Development, Economics of Health and Education, Statistical Methods for Economics, Political Economy, Economic History of India, Microeconomics, International Economics, Development Economics, Financial Economics, Macroeconomics, Introductory Econometrics

Teaching Experience in detail in BA Tuition

I have experience of most subjects taught in BA. I have done MBA and B.Tech with Computer and has good understanding of all subjects.

BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Electronics Subjects

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Data Structures

BSc Computer Science Subjects

Computer Graphics, Microprocessors, Digital Electronics, Data Structures, Technical writing and communication in English, Theory of Computations, Information Security, Data Mining, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Software Testing, Network programming and Administration, Software Engineering, Computer Systems Architecture, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Internet Technologies, Basic Statistics and Probability, Programming Fundamentals

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

BSc Economics subjects

Monetary system, Public Economics, Econometric Methods, Matrix Algebra, Microeconomics

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Electronics, BSc Computer Science, BSc Economics

Teaching Experience in detail in BSc Tuition

Taught B.Tech student . I have done MBA and B.Tech with honors in Computer Science. I have good knowledge of all the subjects

BCom Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCom Tuition


BCom Subject

Personal Selling and Salesmanship, Retail Management, Micro & Macro Economics, Research Methodology, Public relations and Corporate Communication, Office Management and Secretarial Practice, Organisational Behaviour, Personal Tax Planning, Risk Management, Stock and Commodity Markets

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in BCom Tuition

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Class I-V Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



₹ 250.0 per hour

NIOS Subjects taught

EVS, English, Computers, Science, Mathematics


ICSE, State, International Baccalaureate, CBSE, IGCSE, NIOS

IB Subjects taught

Social studies, Science, Mathematics, Hindi, Computers, English

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, Computers, English

ICSE Subjects taught

Social Studies, EVS, Science, English, Mathematics

IGCSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, Science, English

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

English, Science, Sanskrit, Hindi, Social Science, Mathematics, EVS

Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.


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1. Which BBA subjects do you tutor for?

Taxation, Business Organization and Environment, Corporate Accounting and others

2. Do you have any prior teaching experience?


3. Which classes do you teach?

I teach BA Tuition, BBA Tuition, BCA Tuition, BCom Tuition, BSc Tuition and Class I-V Tuition Classes.

4. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

5. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 6 years.

Answers by Ishant Agarwal (1)

Answered on 14/07/2020 Learn Tuition

If you learn for 2 hours a day. then it will take three months to learn any language.
Answers 634 Comments
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BBA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BBA Tuition


BBA Subject

Taxation, Business Organization and Environment, Corporate Accounting, Materials Management, Business Research Methods, Micro and Macro Economics, Human Resource Management, Environmental Studies, Organizational Behavior, E-Business, Environmental Management & Corporate Social Responsibility, Fundamentals of Accounting, Environmental Management & Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Management, English, Marketing Management, Business communication, Management Information System, Corporate Environment, Strategic Management, Computer Applications in Business, Business Ethics & Corporate governance, Investment Management, Project Management, Production and Operations Management, Soft Skills for Business, Auditing, Marketing, Business Regulations, Entrepreneurial Management, Management Process, Quantitative Methods for Business, Services Management, Banking Regulations & Operations, International Business

Experience in School or College

I am fond of teaching and sharing knowledge from school days. I gave many seminars and personally taught students and colleagues.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BCA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCA Tuition


Experience in School or College

I have taught many students and colleagues in school as well as in college. I have also given many seminars in my professional career.

BCA Subject

Business Communication , Unix Shell programming, IT, Computer Networks , Database Management Systems , Financial Accounting and Management, Computer Basics and PC Software , Data and File Structures , Computer Architecture, Java Programming, Object Oriented Technologies, Communication Skills , Business Organization , Software Engineering , Systems Analysis and Design , Digital Electronics, E-Commerce , Web Programming, Problem Solving and Programming , Algorithm Design , Data Communication and Networks, Cryptography and Network Security, Visual Programing, Data structures

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BA Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BA Tuition


BA Humanities Subjects

Psychology, History, Religious Education, Sociology, Law, Government and Politics, Geography

Field tutored for

Multi-Media and Mass Communication, Sociology, Geography, English, Hindi, Journalism, Political science, Psychology, Computer Science, Philosophy, History, Economics, Humanities

BA Computer Science Subjects

Software Engineering, Internet Technologies, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Theory of Computation, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Programming Fundamentals using C++, Database Management Systems, Programming in JAVA, Computer System Architecture, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence

BA Multi Media and Mass Communication Subjects

Camera and Editing for TV, Social Media, Communication & Disaster Management, Television Journalism, Photography, Reporting and Anchoring, English Communication, Communicatio n for Special Needs, Print Media Production, Communication, Media and Society, Communicatio n and the Plastic Arts, Radio Production, Advertisement and Media, Development Communication, Media Moments in History, Integrated Marketing Communication, Introduction to Journalism, Public Service Broadcasting, Global Politics and Media, Graphic Designing &Visual Images, Environmental Science, Fashion Communication, Communication Research, Exploring Hindi Cinema, Documentary, Theatre and Communication

BA Journalism Subjects

Global media and Politics, Development Communication, Communication Research and Methods, Media and Cultural Studies, Introduction to new media, Introduction to Broadcast Media, Introduction to Journalism, Advanced New Media, Media Ethics and the law, Introduction to Media and Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Reporting and Editing for Print, Advanced Broadcast Media, History of the Media

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School as well as during college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have also given seminars on finance and investing during my professional career. I have total experience of close to 6 years and currently working as a software developer in Pune.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BA English Subjects

Science fiction and Detective Literature, Language, Literature and Culture, Soft Skills, Business Communication, Indian Classical Literature, Popular Literature, Environmental Study

BA Psychology Subjects

Psychology of Individual Differences, Positive Psychology, Effective Decision Making, Biopsychology, Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders, Psychological Research, Psychological Perspectives In Education, Stress Management, Youth Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Organizational Behavior, Selection & Training, Psychology For Health And Well-Being, Psychology And Media, General Psychology, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Personal Growth And Development, Development of Psychological Thought, Psychology Of Disability, Health Psychology, Psychology At Work, Community Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology Of Peace, Psychological Skills In Organizations, Counseling Psychology, Cultural And Indigenous Psychology, Youth, Gender And Identity, Emotional Intelligence, Educational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Inter-Group Relations

BA Economics Subjects

Mathematical Methods for Economics, Money and Financial Markets, Public Economics, Environmental Economics, Indian Economy, Applied Econometrics, Comparative Economic Development, Economics of Health and Education, Statistical Methods for Economics, Political Economy, Economic History of India, Microeconomics, International Economics, Development Economics, Financial Economics, Macroeconomics, Introductory Econometrics

Teaching Experience in detail in BA Tuition

I have experience of most subjects taught in BA. I have done MBA and B.Tech with Computer and has good understanding of all subjects.

BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Electronics Subjects

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Data Structures

BSc Computer Science Subjects

Computer Graphics, Microprocessors, Digital Electronics, Data Structures, Technical writing and communication in English, Theory of Computations, Information Security, Data Mining, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Software Testing, Network programming and Administration, Software Engineering, Computer Systems Architecture, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Internet Technologies, Basic Statistics and Probability, Programming Fundamentals

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

BSc Economics subjects

Monetary system, Public Economics, Econometric Methods, Matrix Algebra, Microeconomics

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Electronics, BSc Computer Science, BSc Economics

Teaching Experience in detail in BSc Tuition

Taught B.Tech student . I have done MBA and B.Tech with honors in Computer Science. I have good knowledge of all the subjects

BCom Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCom Tuition


BCom Subject

Personal Selling and Salesmanship, Retail Management, Micro & Macro Economics, Research Methodology, Public relations and Corporate Communication, Office Management and Secretarial Practice, Organisational Behaviour, Personal Tax Planning, Risk Management, Stock and Commodity Markets

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in BCom Tuition

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Class I-V Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



₹ 250.0 per hour

NIOS Subjects taught

EVS, English, Computers, Science, Mathematics


ICSE, State, International Baccalaureate, CBSE, IGCSE, NIOS

IB Subjects taught

Social studies, Science, Mathematics, Hindi, Computers, English

CBSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, Computers, English

ICSE Subjects taught

Social Studies, EVS, Science, English, Mathematics

IGCSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, Science, English

Experience in School or College

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

English, Science, Sanskrit, Hindi, Social Science, Mathematics, EVS

Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

I have taught students and colleagues in School and in college. I am fond of sharing knowledge . I have developed a good network of people during my professional career and MBA days.

No Reviews yet!

Answers by Ishant Agarwal (1)

Answered on 14/07/2020 Learn Tuition

If you learn for 2 hours a day. then it will take three months to learn any language.
Answers 634 Comments
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Ishant Agarwal describes himself as IT profession with 6 years of experience. Completed MBA from Welingkar, Mumbai & BTech from Roorkee. He conducts classes in BA Tuition, BBA Tuition and BCA Tuition. Ishant is located in Wadgaon Sheri, Pune. Ishant takes at students Home and Online Classes- via online medium. He has 6 years of teaching experience . Ishant has completed Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) from UTU in 2014 and Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Welingkar Institute of Management in 2019. HeĀ is well versed in Hindi and English.


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