IIT-JEE is a kind of course which requires lot of patience and hard work. Whenever we begin with the course we feel that we are understanding. But as the course progresses difficulty level increases. And then you start becoming discouraged and become nervous. But you should not be nervous that time. This course is one of the toughest. So you should take it little seriously from day one and be patient. Once you are done with complete syllabus and again you start your study you start understanding the subject and enjoy solving it. That is why I have given course duration of 18 months where you will be taught and also you will have time to revise and solve papers as well as their discussion. You will have ample time to begin with and score in the exam. During this course your knowledge will grow gradually and you will blossom. Till 10th there is not much to do. But as you shift to 11th and 12th there's drastic change. And if you want to go for IIT you have to be tough from inside.