Address: # 70, Chikkanayakanahalli Road , off Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore - 560035
Locality: Doddakannelli (Find more Doddakannelli schools)
Phone: 080- 28440925/65636391
English Medium
Follows a gurukul-kind of education system where the child is not forced to study something he does not like
Year Established: 1900
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We attended interaction meeting/observation session today. Teachers seemed cordial and were mingling with Kids very well(we had our kids play in the sand pit and teachers monitor them). There was presentation highlighting the teaching methodologies etc and we felt it is a good school but not sure is it worth the annual fee of 70K+ as infrastructure is not that great and the approach road to school is bad.
My daughter has been studying in Prakriya for the last one year. (LKG)
My husband and I wanted a school which would not just prepare our daughter to arm herself with degrees and do well in exams but which would encourage her to really think for herself, be creative, inculcate the right values and make the right choices in life.
I must say we are really happy with Prakriya. There is no homework (yet) and no school dress. Concepts are taught through stories rather than text books. Nursery kids are allowed to unleash their creativity in the sandpit. Practical excursions help them relate what they see with they are learning. Show and tell sessions are frequent are full of fun activities. Teachers are called 'aunties' and birthdays are celebrated with chikkis.
My kid is not yet 5 but i already hear lectures from her about recycling, not wasting water, not using plastic or eating junk food. She may not be writing ABCD yet but she can make up charming stories mixing and matching what she has heard from various soures.
I feel she is learning, she is having fun and she is not afraid to ask questions. Could a parent ask for more?
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sudhakartk 03/12/2012
Aella 10/11/2011
Karuna 09/11/2011
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