Address: 973, 12th 'A' Main, Indiranagar 2nd Stage , Indira Nagar, Bangalore - 560038, Bangalore - 560038
Phone: +80 2526 0312 +91 98450 30006
English Medium
Prakriti has gained a reputation for its unique ambience and appearance. The attempt has been to create a stimulating environment without overpowering the children's senses and cluttering their orderly lives and little minds. The adage 'less is more' applies here. A nature table, natural fibre and material for toys, simple homely everyday materials, which are from the realm of nature, are objects that children play with (nothing complicated or fancy like clockwork engines or Barbie dolls). The dolls and stuffed animals, which the children play with, are often made by the teacher to give urban children a feel of nature and help to enhance and retain their natural creativity and curiosity. Prakriti is a Waldorf Kindergarten with a vision for the development of the "Whole child" i.e., the body, mind and soul or simply the 3 Hs - The Head, The Heart and The Hands. The School aims at giving the children ample scope for doing what they are best at: being children. There is no sign of a blackboard or books, yet, they learn a great deal simply by doing, by imitating what is being done around them. The children are not made to fit into a readymade curriculum but rather the curriculum is fitted in according to the needs of the child. The faculty of imitation is strongest at this age, and the children learn by using their senses, their limbs and their power of observation. Prakriti is an active place, where children can give full expression to their imagination and create a world of magic with the help of very simple means, guided by the gentle but firm personality of the Waldorf Inspired teacher. Here, there is no teacher and the taught, but an adult to love, imitate and learn from! Today's generation require a stress free schooling and not a paper-pencil academic learning. What they need most is 'Preparation to face Life's challenges', for which they need natural intelligence, high self esteem, self confidence and a great deal of self-belief....leading to "Everyone should be his/her own King./Queen".
Year Established: 1900
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